blue screen during WIN-XP start-up after overclocking



I have an ASUS CUV4X motherboard, with Pentium 700E, 384M
SDRAM-PC133. Since more than one year, I made an overclock
up to 936Mhz, using the standard CMOS utility, and every
things was OK, using a good old Win98SE operating system.
I bought a new hard disk, and installed a brand new
Windows XP home edition, SP1a on it. Doing so, I can boot
either on Win98SE or WinXP (the hard disk are on removable
1. CMOS setup Cpu speed at 700mhz : OK with win98se and
2. CMOS setup Cpu speed at 936mhz : OK with win98se,
and "blue screen - system halt" with WinXP at the end of
the start-up sequence.
Anyone have an idea where I made any mistake ??? Thanks in

Richard Urban

You just may not be able to go as high on your setup with Windows XP. I
know, for a fact, that when I am running Windows 2000, the operating system
itself is the limiting factor when I over clock my system. On my computer,
XP will allow me to take it higher.


Richard Urban
aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)



Morning Rich.
Yes, I'm afraid. I started the installation with the
existing config,i.e with the CPU overclocked to 936Mhz.
Then, during the first XP start-up, I had this "system-
halt" blue screen, and after some time and several tests,
I decided to chech without overclocking my proc. Then, XP
start up was OK.
Do you have any idea ? Do you think I have to reinstall XP
with my CPU at 700Mhz ?
Thank's in advance for your time, and best regards.


Good morning Richard.
I don't believe I go too high with my O/C set. From 700 to
936 is a very common O/C on Pentium IIIe-700, especially
on MOB like mine.
If you can do so on your XP's computer, I should be able
to do so ...
Thank's for your time & best regards

Richard Urban



Hello Richard.
I already spent time in discussion groups like those. On my computer, I do have two boot disk, each one on a removable rack. When I use the Win98SE boot disk, every things is OK, nomatter the overclock setting, all is working well both at 700Mhz (base spped) and 933Mhz (overclocked speed). As soon as I boot on my WinXP disk, without any other changes, I receive a "system-halt" blue screen during WinXP start up.
So the issue is not related to : does my hardware config (MOB, processor, RAM) support a 933Mhz overclock ? Yes it does, with a Win98SE system.
The question is : Why WinXP does not support the same settings as Win98 regarding CPU overclock ?
Thanks for your advice, I will doubble check on those discussion groups.

----- Richard Urban wrote: -----

You can have 2 identical systems, and I do mean identical. They may well
overclock very differently. Why don't you go to some of the discussion
groups that deal with the specific subject of overclocking. Read the posts.
You will see exactly what I am talking about!


Richard Urban
aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)




XP has many more processes going on than Windows 98. This places more
demand upon the processor, increases memory bandwidth and apparently
stresses both to the point of no return.

Start at the base speed and tweak little by little, checking stability until
the point is reached when it is no longer stable. Then you'll know how fast
it can run and still remain stable.


Gilbert said:
Hello Richard.
I already spent time in discussion groups like those. On my computer, I do
have two boot disk, each one on a removable rack. When I use the Win98SE
boot disk, every things is OK, nomatter the overclock setting, all is
working well both at 700Mhz (base spped) and 933Mhz (overclocked speed). As
soon as I boot on my WinXP disk, without any other changes, I receive a
"system-halt" blue screen during WinXP start up.
So the issue is not related to : does my hardware config (MOB, processor,
RAM) support a 933Mhz overclock ? Yes it does, with a Win98SE system.


Good morning.
Thank's for this advice. I've made those trials, and, my
conclusion, is, unfortunatly, the only really stable
config is without O/C ... That's life !!!

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