Blocked Email (Spamcop)



I use Outlook (Win Office 2003 Pro) to manage my email. Recently 1 or 2
contacts have phoned and asked why I have not been responding to their
emails. The answer, I never received them and it appears they are being
returned to the senders with the following message "Blocked HTTP/
Host Blacklisted) I do not and have never downloaded and used "Spamcop" so
why is it blocking some of my incoming email? Up to date virus and
spyware/adware scans reveal nothing.

Can anyone help me stop this happening please?


David Webb

I found this using Google:

Introduction to SpamCop for recipients of spam reports

| I use Outlook (Win Office 2003 Pro) to manage my email. Recently 1 or 2
| contacts have phoned and asked why I have not been responding to their
| emails. The answer, I never received them and it appears they are being
| returned to the senders with the following message "Blocked HTTP/
| Host Blacklisted) I do not and have never downloaded and used "Spamcop" so
| why is it blocking some of my incoming email? Up to date virus and
| spyware/adware scans reveal nothing.
| Can anyone help me stop this happening please?
| Rob

Pat Willener

The Spamcop Blocklist is not working on the mail client level (Outlook),
but on the mail server level - your ISP. The real source of the problem
however is with your contacts' ISP; their IP addresses have been blocked
by Spamcop because spam is originating from them.

If you *need* to receive email from these contact you will have to ask
your ISP to stop spam-blocking for you. But this may open a floodgate of
spam messages.


Hi Pat
Thanks for the reply. Can you tell me why this has started happening out of
the blue? I am assuming my ISP uses Spamcop? Which obviously doesnt work that
well as lots of genuine Spam is getting through.

Pat Willener

Hi Rob,

You'll have to contact your ISP about this. The SCBL can only block IP
addresses that have been reported, so there *is* of course still spam
from unreported IP addresses coming through. Also BL filtering always
has the potential of blocking good email, which is what you are observing.


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