Blank Screen


Puddin' Man


I suspect this Q is silly, but I gotta ask.

W2kP/IE6 with google toolbar (popups OK) ...

When I visit some sites, i.e.

I get a blank screen with "Done" at the bottom.

I need to fiddle an IE6 setting or ?


Pease pudding hot,
Pease pudding cold,
Pease pudding in the pot
Nine days old.

Puddin' Man

It's not a silly question. I get the same thing with IE6 on my Win2K
system, and I also get the same thing with Firefox. Viewing the source
with IE, I get

<title>WAIS Document Retrieval</title>


Aha! Then it's not my little IE6.

I seem to remember *some* silly IE6 behavior of that sort. I guess
the Fedral Gummint web site is screwy.

Much thanks for checking.


Pease pudding hot,
Pease pudding cold,
Pease pudding in the pot
Nine days old.

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