Black screen on start up



I use Windows NT 2000 with 2003 Office Professional.
Lately, when I turn of the computer or reboot, I get a
black screen after I pass the log on screen. I then do a
ctr+alt+del, restart and then the screen comes up as
normal. Any help so I don't have to reboot after I first
turn my computer on?


Thanks for the super quick reply. However, I'm hot able to
follow all of the instrucstions:
1. Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE, and then click Task Manager.
2. On the File menu, click New Task (Run).
3. Type cmd.exe, and then press ENTER.
4. If necessary, change to the %SystemRoot% folder.
5. Rename the Shdocvw.dll file by typing ren shdocvw.dll
6. Restart the computer.

How do I do step 4 - change to the %SystemRoot% folder?

Thanks again.

Steve Parry [MVP]

CC said:
Thanks for the super quick reply. However, I'm hot able to
follow all of the instrucstions:
1. Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE, and then click Task Manager.
2. On the File menu, click New Task (Run).
3. Type cmd.exe, and then press ENTER.
4. If necessary, change to the %SystemRoot% folder.
5. Rename the Shdocvw.dll file by typing ren shdocvw.dll
6. Restart the computer.

How do I do step 4 - change to the %SystemRoot% folder?

%systemroot% is a variable for the folder where your windows system is
installed, for Windows 2000 this is often c:\WINNT

If the CMD window shows C:\WINNT then you are already in %systemroot%

If it does'nt then type


press enter

then type

cd %systemroot%

press enter


Thanks. And then I can just typpe ren shdocvdll (etc)?
(Right now I get c:\documents and settings).

One other prob I'm just experiencing, when I do Ctrl Alt
Del and click task manager, then box disappears when I move
my cusor to it. Any ideas?

Steve Parry [MVP]

Thanks. And then I can just typpe ren shdocvdll (etc)?
(Right now I get c:\documents and settings).

One other prob I'm just experiencing, when I do Ctrl Alt
Del and click task manager, then box disappears when I move
my cusor to it. Any ideas?

no you need to be "in" C:\WINNT




press enter


press enter

then it should show


at that point you can type your ren (etc)


The instructions are not working. FYI - Explorer.exe does
appear in the task manager window (PID 868, CPU 00, CPU
TIme 0:00:00, Mem usage 6,456 K). And when I try to run it
as a new task, nothing happens.

At C:\Winnt> I type:

ren shdocvw.dll shdocvw.old

I get:

The system cannot find the file specified.

I ran this sequence for all the other files the article
mentioned and get the same thing.

Again, this just stared happaning. This wasn't always the
case wince I've had my computer.

Please advise.

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