Best way to report bugs, etc.



Where would be the most effective place to bring bugs to the attention of
Microsoft? We're finding a LOT after only a week of use.

In addition, is there somewhere to report annoyances that are not actually
bugs (i.e., works as intended but not as it SHOULD?


Echo S

You can use the web interface (where I think you're posting from now) and
post your issue as a "suggestion." Microsoft has said they'll look at
suggestions that get the most votes. When you post as a suggestion, there
are instructions added to the bottom of the post so others can understand
how to vote for it.


I don't have an answer for you, Fred, but I like your question and want to
get on the bandwagon. I just started using the new Office 2007 products and
have found many annoyances!


You can use the web interface (where I think you're posting from now) and
post your issue as a "suggestion." Microsoft has said they'll look at
suggestions that get the most votes.

Hmmm...nice idea, but unfortunately "suggestion" is disabled in this forum.
New posts can only be "questions" or "general comments in this one.

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