

Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I wanted to purchase a couple of in-game items just before the weekend, so duly made my purchase of gems (game currency in GW2.)

The transaction was approved, my gems appeared in the inventory window... great. However, I couldn't immediately spend them... as should be the norm. As I was trying, the phone rang and a voice announced that it was our Bank fraud department. It was a recording, not an actual person.

Not wishing to take any chances, (attempted scams and what-not...) I hung up and looked up the number, just to be sure. It was valid, so I called back, and the voice thanked me for responding.

Long story short - it was the fraud department checking-up on whether my transaction was legitimate. I was assured that there would be no requests for PIN numbers or card numbers, etc. Then I was asked a series of multiple-choice security questions, to establish I was me. Following that, I needed to confirm that three recent transactions (including the game item purchase) had been made by me - they had.

The voice then announced her satisfaction that my purchases were legitimate, and would be processed normally..........BUT, a "stop" would now be placed on my card, which would be marked as "stolen" ....whaaaat? A replacement would be sent within 2 weeks.

Well it actually arrived today - all reasonably quick, considering the Bank Holiday, etc. But even in the accompanying letter, it stated that it was to replace my "stolen" card!

I'm not annoyed that the Bank should carry out a random check - but I AM seriously miffed, that now, my record will probably state that I had a card stolen. (This, I am pleased to say, has never happened, ever, after a good many years of owning a card.)

This was not my first in-game purchase - it is actually one of several, that I've made during the past year. The fraud department has previously contacted me (only on that occasion, it was a real person at the other end) and after satisfying them that all was well, my card remained intact - no stops, etc. I was told at the time, that they keep a watchful eye on any transactions with video game companies, because they tended to be the most problematical. Youngsters making merry with the parents' credit cards or, sometimes less-than-honest game companies, etc. So, as I said previously, I understand the Bank's caution. BUT..... assuming that I make further game-related purchases, will each check-up by the fraud department result in them ticking the "card stolen" box...? If so, I am eventually going to be considered a negligent fool for constantly "losing" my plastic to (imaginary) theft. Maybe at some point I'll even be considered too big a liability to be issued with one at all....!

I think it's time they created a separate category for this kind of thing... and one which doesn't erroniously blame the card-holder for a non-existent theft/loss.:(
Time to change banks ... I can recommend my bank, it was the only one that never 'crashed' as it was heavily bitten once before. :lol:

They don't phone me every time I use my card ... actually, they never have phoned me, and I still have all my money. :)

ps, did you buy the ranger's quiver, I did ... altho' you probably got another character slot. ;)
I can't understand why they would mark the card as stolen if it was verified as being fine :confused:. Write them a letter and complain to see what they do and to make sure it won't happen again. What a pain :wall:!

I've recently changed banks and HSBC have blocked my card twice for the same monthly transaction, which caused a big headache. Apparently there is now a note on the account to make sure it won't happen again... so we'll see :rolleyes:. I'm sure that most of the time they block cards for valid reasons, but I wasn't keen on the fraud check call - as I'm sceptical about anyone calling from the bank asking for lots of information. It's a shame we can't give the bank a password for if they need to call us!
Ian said:
It's a shame we can't give the bank a password for if they need to call us!
Yes - and perhaps it would be a good idea if it worked "the other way" too... meaning, it would be good if we could instantly verify whether a call from the Bank is genuine or not. I suspect they cancelled my card due to the short time-lapse whilst I was checking them out, lol. (I returned the call within 5 mins or so.)

It really did seem a bit much for them to block it though. It's not as if we're new customers or traveling around a lot. The only other thing I wonder, is whether the game company's HQ location causes a few alarm bells to chime.

muckshifter said:
ps, did you buy the ranger's quiver, I did ... altho' you probably got another character slot.
No, although it looks rather good. I went for the char slot plus some extra storage space. :lol:
I don't really have any preference for banks, I think they're all rotten thieving lying crooks :D

I really think you should protest vigorously to your bank, TC, and get that 'stolen' tag erased from your bank record. Oh, and change your bank, though it could be a case of 'Out of the frying pan and into the fire'.

I sometimes had credit cards call me when I made a sizeable purchase but I don't have any credit cards any more, I got shot of 'em all, just debit cards for a personal account and a business account.

FWIW I use Barclays and Natwest, neither any better/worse than the other imo.
I went from abbey/santandar to the nationwide about 4 years ago and what a joy it is.
Do some banking online with a chip & pin card reader, all very simple.
Know the local bank staff well and always happy to help out with any problems.
Have only had 1 problem with possible fraud on my account & quickly sorted out.:thumb:
I had the almost opposite situation a couple of years back.

I noticed an odd transaction on my credit card statement and, sure enough, it was fraudulent. An electrical outlet in London had obviously taken a phone order and delivered goods to South Africa !!!!!

We had been in South Africa a couple of months earlier and they don't have chip and pin, your whole credit card number is printed on all the paperwork and it is obviously very easy for a shop attendant to remember the three figure number on the back of the card.

Anyway, I got a full refund for the money lost and I asked the bank to change my credit card and give me new details. " Oh, that won't be neccessary" said the lady, "I'm sure it won't happen again"

I told her that I wanted a new card pronto so she, quite reluctantly, agreed to issue one. I imagined that a new and different card would be in the bank's interest as well as mine. :wall:

Bankers !!

And, of course, you know what the collective noun is for bankers?

A wunch. Think about it. :D
Thanks for all your comments guys.... you motivated me to make a complaint, which I've just submitted. The more I thought about it, the more indignant and cross I felt about it.

It will be interesting to see if/how/when they respond. I half-anticipate a smarmy lecture on the importance of not spending small sums on nasty video-game websites. :rolleyes: ...But we shall see. I'll let you know what happens.

.....and yes Niv, that collective noun was not unknown to me when I was thinking of a thread title. :o Naughty, naughty Taffycat :lol: