AutoPlay PPT Viewer?



I am a children's entertainer (magic shows and such), and have been mulling
over the idea of offering a CD with a presentation of the show. Images
would be captured with a digital camera, then put together in some kind of
presentation format. I have PowerPoint 2000. I have never tried the viewer

I would like the presentation to AutoPlay when the CD is inserted into the
customer's computer. Can the viewer be set to do this? Or should I look
for another solution?

Thank you.

Steve Rindsberg

As Sonia mentions, it's possible to create CDs with auto-launching PowerPoint

I wonder whether PowerPoint is the best way to create the presentation in the
first place, though; it's not always the easiest thing to work with when it
comes to integrating movies.

Experiment a bit on your own system, and if it works well, have a look at for a way of solving most of the video/media problems that PPT
presents. If not all of 'em.

Timothy L

The following Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles should give you a head start.

Download PowerPoint Viewer 2003

Fix it: I want to open a presentation but I don't have PowerPoint

Install and run PowerPoint Viewer 2003

Run a presentation with PowerPoint Viewer

New features of the PowerPoint Viewer in PowerPoint 2003

How to use a presentation playlist file in PowerPoint Viewer 2003

List of command line switches for PowerPoint 2003 Viewer

How to use PowerPoint Viewer 2003 to create a Windows autorun CD slide show for earlier versions of PowerPoint

PowerPoint 2000 users, here are some additional Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles:

How to use the Pack and Go feature in PowerPoint 2000 or PowerPoint 2002

How to prepare and to distribute presentations on a CD-ROM in PowerPoint 97 and in PowerPoint 2000

PowerPoint 2002 (XP) users, here are some additional Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles:

How to use the Pack and Go feature in PowerPoint 2000 or PowerPoint 2002

How to distribute presentations on CD-ROM in PowerPoint 2002

PowerPoint 2003 users, here are some additional Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles:

Description of how to use the Package for CD feature in PowerPoint 2003

How to package and copy a presentation to a CD in PowerPoint 2003

Echo S

Steve Rindsberg said:
As Sonia mentions, it's possible to create CDs with auto-launching PowerPoint

I wonder whether PowerPoint is the best way to create the presentation in the
first place, though; it's not always the easiest thing to work with when it
comes to integrating movies.

Who said anything about integrating movies? Original poster said "images
would be captured with a digital camera...."

I'm thinking Ed might want to consider using Windows Movie Maker or Photo
Story to create a video of the presentation images, and that would leave PPT
completely out of the equation.


Hi, Echo.

Echo S said:
I'm thinking Ed might want to consider using Windows Movie Maker or Photo
Story to create a video of the presentation images, and that would leave PPT
completely out of the equation.

I looked at the system requirements for both of those, and I'm afraid I'm
not up to par. I've got an old Pentium 166MMX (it was given to me free, so
I can't complain too much!). I'm still running 98SE, but I do have Office

You are correct, though, in that I simply wanted to do just a slideshow of
separate images. I just thought it would be a nice touch to have it
AutoPlay, rather than making someone find and open it.

Thanks for the response.

Echo S

Ed said:
Hi, Echo.

I looked at the system requirements for both of those, and I'm afraid I'm
not up to par. I've got an old Pentium 166MMX (it was given to me free, so
I can't complain too much!). I'm still running 98SE, but I do have Office

Ah, in that case, you're absolutely correct -- you won't be able to use
Windows Movie Maker or Photo Story, then. These free programs are designed
to make videos out of a bunch of photos -- they have good effects, and it's
easy to add sound -- so I tend to recommend them for these "photo
album"-type projects.
You are correct, though, in that I simply wanted to do just a slideshow of
separate images. I just thought it would be a nice touch to have it
AutoPlay, rather than making someone find and open it.

PPT's not necessarily a *bad* program to do it in -- you can use the Photo
Album feature (Insert/Picture/Photo Album) to batch import the images, and
Sonia's Autorun CD software will save you lots of hassles as well.
There are "do it yourself" instructions on my site if you prefer to try
creating the autorun CD the manual way.

If you want to use background music in the presentation, make sure you put
it in the same folder with the presentation before you insert the sound into
the presentation. Then make sure also to include the music along with the
presentation when you create the CD.


Thank you for your time and input.

Echo S said:
Ah, in that case, you're absolutely correct -- you won't be able to use
Windows Movie Maker or Photo Story, then. These free programs are designed
to make videos out of a bunch of photos -- they have good effects, and it's
easy to add sound -- so I tend to recommend them for these "photo
album"-type projects.

PPT's not necessarily a *bad* program to do it in -- you can use the Photo
Album feature (Insert/Picture/Photo Album) to batch import the images, and
Sonia's Autorun CD software will save you lots of hassles as well.
There are "do it yourself" instructions on my site if you prefer to try
creating the autorun CD the manual way.

If you want to use background music in the presentation, make sure you put
it in the same folder with the presentation before you insert the sound into
the presentation. Then make sure also to include the music along with the
presentation when you create the CD.

Steve Rindsberg

Who said anything about integrating movies? Original poster said "images
would be captured with a digital camera...."

They make movies in digital too nowadays y'know.

But Ed? Unless you're using one, ignore me, hey? Thanks. ;-)

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