Autocomplete on Files dialog boxes



I had to reinstall XP Pro recently and now when I save a file using Save As
I am given a dropdown list of files to select from based on what I have
typed so far but does not autocomplete to the first file in the list - it
used to do this in my previous installation and all I had to do was either
press enter to select the autocompleted file or click on one in the dropdown
list. Is there a setting somewhere which needs to be activated?


[Pete] wrote-:
I had to reinstall XP Pro recently and now when I save a file using Save As
I am given a dropdown list of files to select from based on what I have
typed so far but does not autocomplete to the first file in the list - it
used to do this in my previous installation and all I had to do was either
press enter to select the autocompleted file or click on one in the dropdown
list. Is there a setting somewhere which needs to be activated?

Open Internet Options and go to Advanced tab
Scroll down in the TreeView control and tick "use Inline AutoComplete"
Click OK

Good Luck, Ayush.

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