attachment options pane


vienna austria

I'm using Outlook 2007 and when I press the little arrow to access the
Attachment Options pane, I do receive "Add item to view sound", but the pane
does not open.
How do I get the Attachment Options pane start working again?

Thanks for your help

Roady [MVP]

What do you mean by;
"Add item to view sound"

Is this for any type of attachment or some specific type of attachment?

vienna austria

This is not for any attachment at all; I meant that I can hear the Microsoft
Office "Add Item to View" sound, but the Attachment Options pane does not
open and therefore I can't change any options.

Thanks for your continued support.

Roady [MVP]

I meant; do you have this issue (Attachment Options pane not showing) for
any type of attachment or some specific type of attachment?

I still don't know what you mean by;
"Add Item to View" sound
I'm not aware of any sound playing when attaching something. What does it
sound like?

Could you post your exact steps to reproduce?

Before attaching an item the expand arrow on the Include section is grayed
out. After attaching it will "light up" when you hover with your mouse on
it. Is that true for you as well?

vienna austria

1) I do have this issue for any type of attachment;

2) sound issue and what I do: I am attaching a file, the expand arrow
"lights up", but when I click on the arrow to open attachment options pane I
hear the "Add Item to View" sound (info ex Adjust Audio Properties, Sounds
tab, Program Events, Microsoft Office, Add Item to View), but nothing else
happens, no pane opens.

3) Before attaching an item the expand arrow on the Include section is
grayed out. After attaching it will "light up" when you hover with your mouse
on it. Is that true for you as well? ... yes, this is true for me.

Thanks for your continued support.

Roady [MVP]

Adjust Audio Properties, Sounds
tab, Program Events, Microsoft Office, Add Item to View
I'm not able to find this on any of my Office 2007 installations on either
Windows Vista or Windows XP.

Anyway, let's sidestep from the sound ;-)
When you logon as a different user to that computer, do you have the same
If you are the only user on the computer you can create a new user just for
testing purposes and configure Outlook with a dummy mail account.

vienna austria

First of all thanks a lot for your continued efforts.

Yes, I'm the only user of this machine (notebook computer running WXP SP2).
I followed your advice and created a 2nd user account and that user did NOT
have this problem, attachment options pane opened perfectly.

When switching back to my user account, I continued to encounter the
problem, the attachment options pane does not open.

Meanwhile I completely removed 2007 Office System and McAfee AntiVirus &
Personal Firewall and reinstalleld them again ... unfortunately no

What can you suggest next?


Roady [MVP]

Export the following reg-key and then delete the key from the registry;

Now start Outlook again and see if it work now. Note that it will do a
repair first.
If it still doesn't work, you can close Outlook and double click on the
reg-file to restore the settings.

vienna austria

I did as suggested by you (following exactly your instructions), but
unfortunately it did not solve the issue ... still no Attachment Options pane.

Any other idea?


vienna austria

I followed your instructions (resetting dat-files and deleting the entire
Office key) and all of a sudden, the Attachment Options pane was working

However, I realized the my Outlook SMS Add-in (MOSA) had disappeared and
therefore I repaired its installation ... with the result, that the
Attachment Options pane did not work again.

When I disabled the SMS add-in, everything was working to its normal again.

Apparently there is an issue with the Outlook SMS Add-in (MOSA) ... any idea
on how to get then both working, the Attachment Options pane and the Outlook
SMS Add-in (MOSA)?

Thanks for your advice!

Roady [MVP]

Aha, breakthrough! I can repro that here. I'll report it although an actual
reaction on it might not occur as the addin is unsupported.

Thanks for posting back your findings.

vienna austria

Thanks for your patience and support. If you learn that the issue can be
solved (or had been solved), please let me know. Just post it to this
question again.

After all, I guess it was not a problem at all with my 2007 Office System
installation, but just a compatibility issue between 2007 Office System and
the SMS Add-in, which is supposed to work properly with Outllook 2007 (as
announced on the Microsoft Website).

Thanks again and have a nice weekend!

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