asp pages wont load???



im trying to run my asp pages with a database link attached to a form, however i get a internal server error 500 no matter what i try. its running on a IIS server with active server pages. other asp pages with mdb access loads great, however from frontpage nothing works. any ideas?

Jon Spivey

First step find out whats really going wrong. Open IE - Tools - Internet
Options - Advanced - Uncheck Show Friendly Error Messages. Now try your page
again and post back with the detailed error message you get - I'd guess as
you mention databases and forms you're trying to send data to a database and
your server doesn't have write permissions for the database folder. But we
can't help you properly without seeing the proper error message.

Microsoft MVP - FP

outsider said:
im trying to run my asp pages with a database link attached to a form,
however i get a internal server error 500 no matter what i try. its running
on a IIS server with active server pages. other asp pages with mdb access
loads great, however from frontpage nothing works. any ideas?


Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'
Disallowed Parent Path
/showbiz/app2.asp, line 191
The Include file '../_fpclass/' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.

thats the error..


thats great, it worked perfectly.
the page loads, i enter the data in and in takes me to the confirmation page as i entered it.
however, no info was posted to the database file. how do i fix this?

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