Arabic Equations



I'm using Word 2010 Beta, and was facing the same problem in Word 2007. When
I write equations in Arabic, the program reverses the equation text, so I
have to write it in the opposite order to get the right appearance.

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

Peter T. Daniels

For the sake of the person here who knows about Equation Editor and
MathType and such, you should specify what you mean.

As we know, multidigit numbers in Arabic read as in English, with the
thousands at the left and the units at the right (etc.); does that
mean that equations should also read left to right (for instance x = -
b +/- (b^2 -2a)^-2 / 4ac -- did I remember that correctly from high
school?), and Word is switching them around the equals sign in the
right-to-left context?

Or should it be the reverse? Or are you getting something like "ca4"
for that particular denominator?

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