AR-M455N Printer - Scanner Tool Problem<[email protected]



Im having the same problem with the Sharp Desk Scan Tool. I cant install this on new PC's. However I do have older PC that has XP SP2 and the scanning is still working. The ones not working all have XP SP3 but they had the latest updates all along. They all stopped working on 8/19/2008. They had been working for the past year and even up to 8/18/2008.

I do know the tool uses port 4687 or 5133 for the older models.

Has anyone found a fix for this? Or installed a newer version of Sharpdesk???


Ron Gooding

I have had an occasion to install Sharp Desk for a MX-3501n and encountered the same errors. There were old existing computers that were working fine but the new Windows XP Sp3 install would not detect the scanner.

A call to the Sharp technician got me to the right place. Of course, there are the obvious issues with the firewall blocking and possible antivirus problems.

However, the change that allowed the scanner to be detected is in Internet Explorer. Open IE and go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced. Scroll down until you find the HTTP 1.1 section. There are probably two options listed and both of them are likely blank. Check the first one which should say "use HTTP 1.1" and choose OK. That should allow the scanner to be detected if the other settings are correct.

Worked for me...hope that it works for you!

Ed wrote:

AR-M455N Printer - Scanner Tool Problem

Im having the same problem with the Sharp Desk Scan Tool. I cant install this on new PC's. However I do have older PC that has XP SP2 and the scanning is still working. The ones not working all have XP SP3 but they had the latest updates all along. They all stopped working on 8/19/2008. They had been working for the past year and even up to 8/18/2008.

I do know the tool uses port 4687 or 5133 for the older models.

Has anyone found a fix for this? Or installed a newer version of Sharpdesk???


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