Application or window is opened in background instead of foreground...



When I use a shortcut on the logitech keyboard to open an
application that is assigned to it, it opens the
application in the background rather than the
foreground. I can go directly to the same file in
start/programs and run it there and it will open in the
foreground. I've contacted Logitech and I got the same
lazy tech answer that it's a windows problem, which I
still don't believe. Where do I go from here? Any ideas
of how to correct this?


Try this registry tweak (after setting a System Restore point if necessary)

Start > run > "regedit"

Navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

Look in the right pane for "ForegroundLockTimeout"
Right-click it > Modify > Set value to zero


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