Anyone know when Oulook 2003 Contact Form Designer will have an update ? Or a workaround?



Anyone know when Oulook 2003 Contact Form Designer will have an update ? Or
a workaround?

I am trying to create a custom contact form in Outlook 2003 and want to base
it off of the default contact form in Outlook 2003 and just get the old XP
I went to knowledge base and they say that it is a known problem that the
design form for Outlook contacts 2003 (only the contact form apparently) was
not updated from 2000 or XP.

Does anyone know when that will be fixed or have another workaround? I would
like the new form to have the picture option that the default Outlook 2003
contact form has.
Thanks, Amy

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Please don't multipost, just pick one or two groups to post in. Access
groups aren't at all appropriate for Outlook questions.

You can have the picture in an Outlook 2003 customized contact form.
Just don't customize the first tab of the form where the picture will
be displayed. To add a picture (which is actually stored as an
attachment in the item) you must use code. A ContactItem in Outlook
2003 has the AddPicture and RemovePicture methods and the HasPicture
Boolean property. That's how you manipulate a picture in the form.

Once you leave design mode the form will go back to looking like an
Outlook 2003 contact form and show the picture as long as its place in
the form hasn't been used for something else.

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