Angry IP Scanner



OK, I admit it, security on Vista is a pain in the ass and for all extents
and purposes will drive me not to deploy to my users because of the hassels
to allow things to run. I use Angry IP scanner to search for unused IP
addresses, but in Vista when I try to launch it I get the message " Windows
cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the
appropiate permissions to access the item." Duh, I am administrator on the
workstation. What's the deal MS, is this really necessary? Your security
setting will kill your efforts to sell this product.
Anyone who might help with this please reply.


Thanks for the input. Yea, I have tried all your suggested steps prior to
this post. I think the OS sees this program as a threat in Windows Defender
or some other area. I have downloaded the program multiple times, set to run
as administrator, took ownership of directory and child objects, and disabled
UAC, yet nothing has allowed this item to execute.

I appreciate your input though.

Robert Moir

slegsonly said:
Thanks for the input. Yea, I have tried all your suggested steps
prior to this post. I think the OS sees this program as a threat in
Windows Defender or some other area.

I think its far more likely that the program simply doesn't work with Vista
and will need updating, given that the program is obviously some kind of
network tool and given that the network stack has been quite heavily changed
in Vista.

But I'm sure you checked that already and have assurances from the
developers of this program that it is definately supposed to work with the
build of Vista you are testing, before coming in here ranting and raving
about what a pain in the ass Vista is?


Thank you for your input. In my frustration, my choice of words might not
have been the best.
Have a great day.


Actually, it's a security problem in Vista. Windows Defender blocked me
from downloading it as a serious security risk. But I have other IP
scanners, including SuperScan 3, from Foundstone Software - the network
forensics and security company. Windows Defender attempted to block its
installation for the same reason, but I added it to the allowed applications

However, when I attempt to run SuperScan3, I get the following error:
"Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have
the appropriate permissions to access the item." The NTFS permissions are
normal for Administrators and System (Full) and for Users (R,X). I've set
the app to run in compatibility mode for WinXP SP2, and that doesn't work

Maybe ALL IP scanners will fail on Vista until the tools are rewritten . . .
this deserves some investigation.

-- Dave

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