All attachments sent to me are blocked and unopenable


Tom Webber

All attachments sent to me...including known safe ones
that I szend to me are blocked by Outlook express and
unopenable. Any ideas how to turn this over zealous
operation off? I am running outlook express as my main
emails source a with Windows XP on my laptop at home. Any
help is much appreciated. Please email me direct with
some guidance

Cheerio, Thomas in Victoria, BC Canada...

Stephen Glynn

Tom said:
All attachments sent to me...including known safe ones
that I szend to me are blocked by Outlook express and
unopenable. Any ideas how to turn this over zealous
operation off? I am running outlook express as my main
emails source a with Windows XP on my laptop at home. Any
help is much appreciated. Please email me direct with
some guidance

Cheerio, Thomas in Victoria, BC Canada...

Try Tools=> Options=> Security and uncheck "Do not allow attachments to
be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus".

There's an article about this on the MS Knowledge Base: Microsoft
Knowledge Base Article - 329570
"Cannot Open E-Mail Attachments in Outlook Express After You Install SP1".


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