After installing a HP Laserjet : extra software starting up...?



after installing my brand new HP 1012 Laserjet ,
I noticed that connecting to my work via VPN did not work anymore.
How could that be...?? ?? A coincidence ?
After a few hours of research, I've found that
in my "msconfig", 4 extra modules were loaded at startup :
1) Tomcatstartup --- hpbpsttp.exe
2) Statusclient.exe
3) HP Port resolver -- hpbpro.exe
4) HP Status resolver -- hpboid.exe

All of these have to do with HP.

And I've found that it was nr 1, 'tomcatstartup' that was fighting against
my VPN software.
So I disabled it, and I see no impact for the printer. But my VPN works
again !

Are these modules necessary ?
Are they spy-ware?
Any comment...???


Airman Basic

You can download the driver, 900k, or the driver and tools, 55mb. Either
will operate the printer. That should tell you which is loading up your

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