advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic



Dennis, of course magic do you think I got here? lol
" could not be found.
Please check the name and try again"

NT Canuck
'Seek and ye shall find'

Tiberius was an idiot then, obviously he's an idiot now.
Pray tell what does HIV have to do with computer operating systems?


Charlie Tame said:
On the contrary, Clarke's statement clearly implies that advanced
technology beyond the understanding of the observer is only
indistinguishable from magic because it is not understood by the observer,
it is as he said in the first words "Technology". You made the allegation
that Clarke's words were those of a superstitious person, when his very
use of the words "Indistinguishable from" implies that it is not magic,
though to some it may appear so..

It implies that he believes in magic.

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