Advanced Issue - 2 NIC's



My goal was to give my win2kserver it's own wan ip and the rest of my lan
another external ip so that the win2k server bypassed the router and had

access through the bridge for benefit of both the CS server and the newly
installed web server running on my win2k server (I've noticed upwards of

added latency through the router which is death to my CounterStrike

The way I did this was to install another NIC on the win2k server, so with
NIC-1 the server is connected to the bridge(direct to internet) and has the

xx.xx.xx.129 for CS and the web server(this is my intent)

With NIC-2 I'm connected to my internal network through the router, this NIC
has taken a static ip of from the router, the router has an

external ip of xx.xx.xx.189 through the same bridge as NIC-1.

Now the problem....whenever I start steam or open a web page, the win2k
server connects through the router!!!!! the heck do I force it to
use NIC-1 for

all WAN requests and NIC-2 for LAN use only.

The really odd thing is, whenever I disable NIC-2 everyone can see my CS
server, as soon as I re-enable NIC-2 the CS server wont respond to anyone
and kicks

those logged in

I'm fairly sure it's taken(jumps to).189 whenever given the chance as
opposed to staying with .129.

Therefore if I told my CS players to add my server with ip .189 they would
find it, but this is not what I want, this means they are seeing my server
through the


P.S. the binding order for the NIC's are good


Problem Solved....On NIC2 I removed all values for gateway and dns the server looks to nic 1 exclusively for all internet traffic

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