Adressing subfolder - and copy contact ?



I am using SQLView to categorize and group my contacts. But for the
other people in the company I need to populate shared contacts

I can manually copy from SQLView.. but if I forget to hold ctrl,
Outlook will move, causing all my categories to be lost.

Now I wish to copy via macro. In that connection, I have two

1) How do I address subfolders with contacts that are NOT below my
default contacts ? This will work, but it's not very clear what is

Set colcontacts = objNS.Folders(1).Folders(6).Folders(3).Items

I thought I could do something like

Set colcontacs =
but I only get "Object not found"

What is the correct way of addressing subfolders, from the root of
Namespace ?

2) How do I copy contacts from one folder to another ? I probably need
delete the destination folder first, not to create duplicates.

.. obviously, if there's a sync tool that will take from folder A to
folder B
and check for duplicates, I could use that. But I have only found a
that has default contacts as destination.

Thanks for any help

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

1) Try this:

Set Folder=objNs.Folders("SQLView")
Set Folder=Folder.Folders("Contacts")
Set Folder=Folder.Folders("Company")

2) If you call ContactItem.Copy, a new ContactItem will be returned. Then
cal its Move method and pass the folder object.

Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook

: VBOffice Reporter for Data Analysis & Reporting
: Outlook Categories? Category Manager Is Your Tool
: <>

Am Thu, 23 Oct 2008 09:16:01 +0100 schrieb myicq:


'Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook said:
;271922']1) Try this:

Set Folder=objNs.Folders("SQLView")
Set Folder=Folder.Folders("Contacts")
Set Folder=Folder.Folders("Company")
Although that is exactly the same, only in 3 different lines :)

Is there a way to use a path-like notification, lik
\\SQLView\Contacts\Company or similar ? I think I have seen tha
somewhere in a post on Outlook VBA code.

- Torben

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

It's not the same, by using the names you know what folder you're going to
access. Of course, you can write a function that takes the full path as a
parameter; then the function has to split the path to get all of the folder

Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook

: VBOffice Reporter for Data Analysis & Reporting
: Outlook Categories? Category Manager Is Your Tool
: <>

Am Fri, 24 Oct 2008 08:26:03 +0100 schrieb myicq:
'Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook said:
;271922']1) Try this:

Set Folder=objNs.Folders("SQLView")
Set Folder=Folder.Folders("Contacts")
Set Folder=Folder.Folders("Company")
Although that is exactly the same, only in 3 different lines :)

Is there a way to use a path-like notification, like
\\SQLView\Contacts\Company or similar ? I think I have seen that
somewhere in a post on Outlook VBA code.

- Torben.

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