


Help, all my adresses are gone.
I am with my lap top in another country. Used my windowsmail for 3 days.
Suddenly cant send mail anymore and all my adresses are disapered.
Help please.
error mesage;

Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Poort:
25, Beveiligd(SSL): Nee, Socket-fout: 10060, Foutnummer: 0x800CCC0E

Gary VanderMolen

I don't know why your addresses have disappeared, but it is
understandable that you can't send from a foreign location.
In order to use SMTP on port 25, your Internet connection must
come from the same provider as the owner of the SMTP server.

If your home ISP does not offer SMTP on an alternate port
(other than '25'), then you should get a free account with Gmail,
configure it for POP, and use it for your travel sending chores.
Gmail does SMTP on port 465.
The only other workaround is to use webmail for sending.

Gary VanderMolen


ok. Thank you Gary for your answer, Maybe the adresses have dissapaered only
here. when i go back it will apeares again i hope.

Gary VanderMolen

Regarding the missing addresses, sometimes this can be
caused by running a non-compatible antivirus program.
Windows Mail is not compatible with most McAfee or
Norton security programs. Those will need to be
uninstalled, not just disabled.

After uninstalling your non-compatible antivirus, download
and install a more compatible antivirus like the free Avast:

Even compatible antivirus programs will need to have their
email scanning option turned off. For more on this topic see

Gary VanderMolen

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