Adobe acrobat doesn't close my files?

  • Thread starter Joris De Groote
  • Start date

Joris De Groote


I use Adobe Acrobat to read tekst from PDF files. After that the file has
been read, I move the file in a folder (using the date I got from the text I
got from Acrobat). Now here is my problem. When I want to move the file, I
get an error stating:
System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file
"x:\VF\2006-01\CVF-06000007.pdf" because it is being used by another

Acrobat just doesn't want to close the file after it has been readed. I have
tried a few things like : (AcroApp is my AcroExch.App Object)


However none seem to work. Can anybody help my close the file so the program
can move the pdf to where it belongs?



I had similar problems working with PDFs using Acrobat 7.0

Are you using the Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc and/or Acrobat.CAcroAVDoc classes
for opening/reading the document?

If yes,
Are you closing these when you are finished with them?
Are you using IDisposable so that you control when they are

The above

will close the docs 'as far as Acrobat is concerned' but if you
have a reference to a document in your code the document will still be
used 'as far as the OS is concerned' until the reference releases -
which is why I ended up implementing IDisposable to control when they



What I did was wrap both the application and document in classes.
Wrapping the application was more for tidiness for me. You may not need

When reading a document I would create a new instance of the document
wrapper class


_adobeDoc = New AdobeDocument(fName, createCopy, storagePath)

And then when closing it I would dispose of it


_adobeDoc = nothing

The Dispose calls close on the avDoc and pdDoc and also decrements the
COM reference count (that's basically what the ReleaseComObject()
call does)

and then sets the reference to the COM object to nothing.

At this point we should have totally released the document and you
should be able to delete it.

Worked for me,

Hope it works for you.


Application class


Public Class AdobeApplication

Implements IDisposable

#Region "Constants"


'* AVZoomType -- Variable zoom "verbs", corresponding to View menu
items *'

Public Const AVZoomNoVary As Short = 0 ' no variable zoom - use
this for XYZ zoom

Public Const AVZoomFitPage As Short = 1 ' fit page to window

Public Const AVZoomFitWidth As Short = 2 ' fit page width to window

Public Const AVZoomFitHeight As Short = 3 ' fit page height to

Public Const AVZoomFitVisibleWidth As Short = 4 ' fit visible width
to window

Public Const AVZoomPreferred As Short = 5 '/* use page's preferred
zoom */

Public Const AV_EXTERNAL_VIEW As Short = 1 ' Open the document with
tool bar visible

Public Const AV_DOC_VIEW As Short = 2 ' Draw the page pane and

Public Const AV_PAGE_VIEW As Short = 4 ' Draw only the page pane

'********************************* PD Things

'* PDPageMode -- Variable for how the file opens - bookmarks,
thumbnails, full screen, none *'

Public Const PDDontCare As Short = 0

Public Const PDUseNone As Short = 1

Public Const PDUseThumbs As Short = 2

Public Const PDUseBookmarks As Short = 3

Public Const PDFullScreen As Short = 4

'* PDLayoutMode -- Variable for how the file is opened - single
page, one column, two column *'

Public Const PDLayoutDontCare As Short = 0

Public Const PDLayoutSinglePage As Short = 1

Public Const PDLayoutOneColumn As Short = 2

Public Const PDLayoutTwoColumnLeft As Short = 3

Public Const PDLayoutTwoColumnRight As Short = 4


Public Const MIN_ZOOM_PCT As Integer = 50

Public Const MAX_ZOOM_PCT As Integer = 600

Public Const ERR_MSG_INVALID_ZOOM As String = _

"Allowable Zoom Percentages are {0}% to {1}%."


Public Const CLASS_NAME_APPLICATION As String = "AcroExch.App"

Public Const CLASS_NAME_AVDOC As String = "AcroExch.AVDoc"

Public Const CLASS_NAME_PDDOC As String = "AcroExch.PDDoc"

Public Const CLASS_NAME_PDPAGE As String = "AcroExch.PDPage"

Public Const CLASS_NAME_ACRO_RECT As String = "AcroExch.Rect"

Private Const ERR_MSG_CREATE_FAIL As String = _

"Unable to create an instance of the Acrobat application
because: {0}"

Private Const ERR_MSG_UNKNOWN As String = _

"Unknown Reason."

Private Const ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_LOCK As String = _

"Unable to lock the Acrobat Instance."

Private Const ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DOC As String = _

"Unable to create the document object."

Private Const ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE As String = _

"Unable to open the {0}. Reason = {1}."

#End Region

#Region "ctors"

Public Sub New()


End Sub

Public Sub New( _

ByVal bLock As Boolean _


_acroApp = GetAcrobatAppInstance()

_appInstanceName = String.Empty

If (bLock) Then

_locked = CType(_acroApp.Lock(AppInstanceName), Boolean)

If (Not _locked) Then

Throw New

End If

End If

End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Properties"

Public ReadOnly Property AppInstanceName() As String


If (_appInstanceName Is Nothing _

OrElse _appInstanceName.Length = 0) Then

_appInstanceName = CreateAppInstanceName()

End If

Return _appInstanceName

End Get

End Property

#End Region

#Region "Methods"

Public Function LoadPDDocument( _

ByVal fName As String _

) As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc

Dim pdDoc As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc

pdDoc = CType(CreateObject(CLASS_NAME_PDDOC),

If (pdDoc Is Nothing) Then

Throw New

End If

Dim bOK As Boolean

Dim strReason As String = ERR_MSG_UNKNOWN

Dim except As Exception


bOK = CType(pdDoc.Open(fName), Boolean)

Catch ex As Exception

strReason = ex.Message

End Try

If (Not bOK) Then

Throw New
Exception(String.Format(ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE, _

fName, _

strReason), _


End If

Return pdDoc

End Function

Private Function CreateAppInstanceName() As String

Return System.Guid.NewGuid.ToString

End Function

' creates an application instance and returns it.

' throws an exception if unable to create

Private Function GetAcrobatAppInstance() As Acrobat.CAcroApp

Dim appInstance As Acrobat.CAcroApp

Dim strReason As String = String.Empty


appInstance = CType(CreateObject(CLASS_NAME_APPLICATION),

If (appInstance Is Nothing) Then


End If

Catch ex As Exception

strReason = ex.Message


If (strReason.Length > 0) Then


Throw New Exception(String.Format(ERR_MSG_CREATE_FAIL,

End If

End Try

Return appInstance

End Function

#End Region

#Region "Attributes"

Private _locked As Boolean

Private _appInstanceName As String

Private _acroApp As Acrobat.CAcroApp

#End Region


#Region "Methods"

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()


End Sub

Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements



End Sub

Public Overloads Sub Dispose( _

ByVal bDisposing As Boolean _


If (Not _disposed) Then

If (bDisposing) Then

'disposed Managed resources

End If

' dispose unmanaged resources

If (_locked) Then


End If


End If

_disposed = True

End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Attributes"

Private _disposed As Boolean

#End Region

#End Region

#Region "Shared Functionality"

#Region "Methods"

Public Shared Function IsValidZoomPct( _

ByVal zoomPct As Integer _

) As Boolean

Return (zoomPct >= MIN_ZOOM_PCT _

And zoomPct <= MAX_ZOOM_PCT)

End Function

Public Shared Function InvalidZoomPctMessage() As String


End Function

#End Region

#End Region

End Class

Document Class:


Public Class AdobeDocument

Implements IDisposable

#Region "Konstants"

Private Const ERR_MSG_UNKNOWN As String = _

"Unknown Reason."

Private Const ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PDDOC As String = _

"Unable to create the PD Document object."

Private Const ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_AVDOC As String = _

"Unable to create the AV Document object."

Private Const ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE As String = _

"Unable to open the {0}. Reason = {1}."

Private Const ERR_MSG_NO_SIZE As String = _

"Unable to generate a size for the page."

Private Const ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PAGE As String = _

"Unable to read page {0} for the document."

#End Region

#Region "Ctors"

Public Sub New( _

ByVal fName As String, _

ByVal createCopy As Boolean _


Me.New(fName, createCopy, String.Empty)

End Sub

Public Sub New( _

ByVal fName As String, _

ByVal createCopy As Boolean, _

ByVal storagePath As String _



_doc = New TemporaryFile(fName, createCopy, storagePath)

_pdDoc = LoadPDDocument(_doc.FileName)

_avDoc = LoadAVDocument(_doc.FileName)


If (_pdDoc Is Nothing OrElse _avDoc Is Nothing OrElse _doc
Is Nothing) Then


End If

End Try

End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Properties"

Public ReadOnly Property PageCount() As Integer


Return _pdDoc.GetNumPages

End Get

End Property

Public Property DeleteOnClose() As Boolean


Return _doc.DeleteOnClose

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

_doc.DeleteOnClose = Value

End Set

End Property

#End Region

#Region "Methods"

Public Overloads Function PrintSilent() As Boolean

Return PrintSilent(1, PageCount)

End Function

Public Overloads Function PrintSilent( _

ByVal nStartpage As Integer, _

ByVal nEndPage As Integer _

) As Boolean

Dim bRet As Boolean

bRet = CType(_avDoc.PrintPages(nStartpage - 1, _

nEndPage - 1, _

0, _

0, _

0), Boolean)

Return bRet

End Function

Private Function LoadAVDocument( _

ByVal fname As String _

) As Acrobat.CAcroAVDoc

' Create the doc object

Dim avDoc As Acrobat.CAcroAVDoc

avDoc = CType(CreateObject(AdobeApplication.CLASS_NAME_AVDOC),

If (avDoc Is Nothing) Then

Throw New

End If

' load the file

Dim bOK As Boolean

Dim strReason As String = ERR_MSG_UNKNOWN

Dim except As Exception


bOK = CType(avDoc.Open(fname, fname + "tmp"), Boolean)

Catch ex As Exception

strReason = ex.Message

End Try

If (Not bOK) Then

Throw New
Exception(String.Format(ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE, _

fname, _

strReason), _


End If

Return avDoc

End Function

'Create the PDDocument Object and loads the file

Private Function LoadPDDocument( _

ByVal fName As String _

) As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc

' Create the doc object

Dim pdDoc As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc

pdDoc = CType(CreateObject(AdobeApplication.CLASS_NAME_PDDOC),

If (pdDoc Is Nothing) Then

Throw New

End If

' load the file

Dim bOK As Boolean

Dim strReason As String = ERR_MSG_UNKNOWN

Dim except As Exception


bOK = CType(pdDoc.Open(fName), Boolean)

Catch ex As Exception

strReason = ex.Message

End Try

If (Not bOK) Then

Throw New
Exception(String.Format(ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE, _

fName, _

strReason), _


End If

Return pdDoc

End Function

Public Function GetPage( _

ByVal nPageNbr As Integer _

) As Acrobat.CAcroPDPage

Dim pdPage As Acrobat.CAcroPDPage

If (Not _pdDoc Is Nothing) Then

pdPage = CType(_pdDoc.AcquirePage(nPageNbr),

If (pdPage Is Nothing) Then

Throw New
Exception(String.Format(ERR_MSG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PAGE, _


End If

End If

Return pdPage

End Function

#End Region

#Region "Attributes"

Private _pdDoc As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc

Private _avDoc As Acrobat.CAcroAVDoc

Private _doc As TemporaryFile

#End Region


#Region "Methods"

Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements



End Sub

Public Overloads Sub Dispose( _

ByVal bDisposing As Boolean _


If (Not _disposed) Then

' need to do this one before the _doc as the _doc will try
to delete the file

' Don't know that we can ever get here with a Nothing value
in _pdDdoc

' but it costs little to check

If (Not _pdDoc Is Nothing) Then

Trace.WriteLine("Releasing the PD DOC")



_pdDoc = Nothing

End If

If Not _avDoc Is Nothing Then

Trace.WriteLine("Releasing the AV DOC")



_avDoc = Nothing

End If

If (bDisposing) Then


End If

End If

_disposed = True

End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()


End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Attributes"

Private _disposed As Boolean

#End Region

#End Region

End Class

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