Add Remove problem


Bennett Marco

bobster said:

You said,

"Then you might know that you could get out of this rather quickly if you
had a good backup strategy in place? Seriously."

I do have an external clone as a backup. The bad news is that I didn't
realize I had the add/remove problem prior to making my last clone backup.
Therefore my backup copy contains the same add/remove problem as my active
"C" drive.

Now you see one of the drawbacks of using a clone for your backup.

It's better to use imaging, and to keep several versions over time to
cover a situation like that.

Bill in Co.

Bennett said:
Now you see one of the drawbacks of using a clone for your backup.

It's better to use imaging, and to keep several versions over time to
cover a situation like that.

And we call those generational copies, I think. VERY handy.


My Add Remove list has just recently developed a problem wherein there isa
huge amount of black, blank space between the first part of the list and the
bottom of the list.  I have googled the problem and found it described in
several listings but have not found a successful fix for it.  Any help would
be appreciated.

Intel duo 2.2
2gig memory

It may not be a DisplayIcon issue, but something along those lines
associated with the installed applications parameters.

Gotta figure out the application first!


White Space in Add or Remove.

This is generally due to the DisplayIcon having a negative number. From
here you can either remove the negative number or remove the last
application listed: Start/Run/Regedit


If your issue involves AutoCad, you can download the fix on line 226 (right
hand side):

Not sure if there is an easier method, but this one also works:

Open Registry Editor and navigate to:
HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\<P
rogram name>

In the right-pane, create a new REG SZ (String) value named
'DisplayIcon' and assign it's value to the full path where the program's
exe file resides. [example;; C:\Program Files\AIM95\aim.exe]

Restart Add/Remove, it should now take the Program.exe's 0th icon


All the Best,

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!!.htm

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