AdAware 2007


Mike Hall - MVP

The best way would be to install Adaware 2006 Plus, run it once, and then
uninstall it.. unlike the 2007 version, it may not leave anything behind..

sbc said:
If not Ad-Aware 2007 .. then what?
Also since you were so informative about uninstalling Ad-Aware 2007 .. do
you know how I might uninstall Ad-Aware 2006 Plus? I had it on my
before I installed the new 2007 download .. and it is the bought version
but when I click the uninstall exe in the folder .. it looks for a
install.log that I do not have on my computer ... don't need the extra
program .. don't know how to go about ferretting it out. I have plenty of
programs that reveal the add/remove statistics of my computer .. SpyBot ..
Ccleaner .... more I am sure .. just don't know how to do it. Yes
I sometimes don't understand the lingo in the forums .. but I can
pretty much if you write it out like you did the uninstall you just wrote
out. Thanks ... with a meek expression but there are no faces at this
right? I have WinXPSP2 and am MSN subscriber since beginning.


Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User


Don't quite get this .. when I tried to post a question to Tony Meloche in
regards to what is Http:// down below his post ... the
posting asks what newsgroup I want to post to. And now I notice when I asked
a question to Mike Hall - MVP - per Ad-Aware and his removing it .. as to
what program is better ... .. well my question did not show up under this
Internet Explorer newsgroup but instead under Windows XP general newsgroup.

I read the "Help" page and there was no mention of the fact that your
question or post would show up elsewhere. At least from what I saw. I will
go back and read.

What is a newsfeed and is it advantageous to get one?

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