Active Directory - DNS - IP




we have the following problem

due to new network hardware the local administrator of one of our departments wanted to change his server ip address. Unfortunately he chose as the new ip address.. DOH!.
Since then he has problems with accessing his shared drives on his server. I checked into the server and found the following
- he can't open his AD-users&computer
- users can still access the internet & get an ip from the dhcp serve
- users can logon (probably with a locally stored profile) but the logon script doesn't ru
- users cannot access shared drives or printers on the serve
- the server has no domain name (it's simply "name" instead of "name.domain"
- event warning 414 & 4004 fo the dns server in event viewe
- veritas backup server doesn't start automatically (but it can be started manually

I wanted to restore the system state from backup (veritas) but i cannot start the veritas backup server in Active Directory Restore Mode.
So, I already changed the ip back to its original (in normal startup), (also made sure that the standard dns was the same ip, since it's de DC) & rebooted. Now AD-users&computers opens and all the objects are visibl

- users cannot access the shared drives, logon script doesn't ru
- the system log seems corrup
- his servername still has no domain name (not in network identification, not in SOA or NS records in DNS) therefore we still get warning 414 in event viewer - dns servr
Event Type: Warnin
Event Source: DN
Event Category: Non
Event ID: 41
Date: 5/03/200
Time: 10:25:3
User: N/
Computer: DVL5S00
The DNS server machine currently has no DNS domain name. Its DNS name is a single label hostname with no domain (example: "host" rather than "").
You might have forgotten to configure a primary DNS domain for the server computer. For more information, see either "DNS server log reference" or "To configure the primary DNS suffix for a client computer" in the online Help.
While the DNS server has only a single label name, all zones created will have default records (SOA and NS) created using only this single label name for the server's hostname. This can lead to incorrect and failed referrals when clients and other DNS servers use these records to locate this server by name.
To correct this problem:
1) open ControlPanel
2) open System applet
3) select NetworkIdentification tab
4) click the "Properties" button and enter a domain name or workgroup name; this name will be used as your DNS domain name
5) reboot to initialize with new domain name
After reboot, the DNS server will attempt to fix up default records, substituting new DNS name of this server, for old single label name. However, you should review to make sure zone's SOA and NS records now properly use correct domain name of this server.
The thing i want to do now is restore the registry (in normal startup mode), since ip configs & dns stuff are stored there. but i'm not sure if that will fix the problem. Is there any way to tell AD or DNS to "re-register" themselves, to link them again, beause it seems that the two don't "see"or "know" each other

And then the questions, (i first ask this in order to not exclude possible future solutions
* can i fix this with restoring the registr
* can i manually fix the domain name in de SOA & NS record
* if i can get the AD back to work, can i change the ip of the server, is that allowed on a DC, are there things to look out for when you do that, certain procedures to follow

Can anyone shed a light on this one... Any ideas & solutions are greatly appreciated

Steven Cools.

Blare Sutton


Gotta love that.

DNS would have had a fit after doing that.

Personally I would just restore the entire box. Have you tried restoring
since you did the change of IP back again? This is all pretty much related
to DNS, which then went and screwed your AD.

The only way to fix it that I know of is covered in this article:;en-us;296592&Product=win2000

Which essentially says: if you've got 2 DC's, demote your stuffed one, then
change the name, and promote it again; or, if you've only got one DC,
install a temporary one, wait for the stuff to propogate, then demote and
change. However, in your predicament, propogation may not occur due to the
AD hell that will be going on there.

If you have a full backup, reinstall the machine with the correct name, and
then once it and Veritas is installed, go over it with your backup tape.



Steven Cools said:

we have the following problem:

due to new network hardware the local administrator of one of our
departments wanted to change his server ip address. Unfortunately he chose as the new ip address.. DOH!.
Since then he has problems with accessing his shared drives on his server.
I checked into the server and found the following:
- he can't open his AD-users&computers
- users can still access the internet & get an ip from the dhcp server
- users can logon (probably with a locally stored profile) but the logon script doesn't run
- users cannot access shared drives or printers on the server
- the server has no domain name (it's simply "name" instead of "name.domain")
- event warning 414 & 4004 fo the dns server in event viewer
- veritas backup server doesn't start automatically (but it can be started manually)

I wanted to restore the system state from backup (veritas) but i cannot
start the veritas backup server in Active Directory Restore Mode.
So, I already changed the ip back to its original (in
normal startup), (also made sure that the standard dns was the same ip,
since it's de DC) & rebooted. Now AD-users&computers opens and all the
objects are visible
- users cannot access the shared drives, logon script doesn't run
- the system log seems corrupt
- his servername still has no domain name (not in network identification,
not in SOA or NS records in DNS) therefore we still get warning 414 in
event viewer - dns servr:
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: DNS
Event Category: None
Event ID: 414
Date: 5/03/2004
Time: 10:25:36
User: N/A
Computer: DVL5S001
The DNS server machine currently has no DNS domain name. Its DNS name is
a single label hostname with no domain (example: "host" rather than
You might have forgotten to configure a primary DNS domain for the server
computer. For more information, see either "DNS server log reference" or "To
configure the primary DNS suffix for a client computer" in the online Help.
While the DNS server has only a single label name, all zones created will
have default records (SOA and NS) created using only this single label name
for the server's hostname. This can lead to incorrect and failed referrals
when clients and other DNS servers use these records to locate this server
by name.
To correct this problem:
1) open ControlPanel
2) open System applet
3) select NetworkIdentification tab
4) click the "Properties" button and enter a domain name or workgroup
name; this name will be used as your DNS domain name
5) reboot to initialize with new domain name
After reboot, the DNS server will attempt to fix up default records,
substituting new DNS name of this server, for old single label name.
However, you should review to make sure zone's SOA and NS records now
properly use correct domain name of this server.mode), since ip configs & dns stuff are stored there. but i'm not sure if
that will fix the problem. Is there any way to tell AD or DNS to
"re-register" themselves, to link them again, beause it seems that the two
don't "see"or "know" each other.
And then the questions, (i first ask this in order to not exclude possible future solutions)
* can i fix this with restoring the registry
* can i manually fix the domain name in de SOA & NS records
* if i can get the AD back to work, can i change the ip of the server, is
that allowed on a DC, are there things to look out for when you do that,
certain procedures to follow?


i expected this scenario... too bad.

so... i format the drive, reinstall w2k server, install veritas and then restore the full backup...

but i don't need to config the AD on the newly installed server? because i read that in order to restore the AD you'd have to use the NTDFSutil (or something like that, can't think of the right one) to overwrite the existing AD.
But i presume that this won't be neccessary then since no AD is configured and the backup will just do that for me (put the old one back)? right?

thanx already...

But then, after the restore, can i change the IP in any other way, without a mess like this? Can i simply change it to in network properties or do i need to do something else (except for waiting for the dns to propagate)...
is this possible?


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