Access Workgroup Security

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,
I have an Access 97 database that restrics the users through a user
level workgroup file. It works well and good for this particular
The problem occurs when I try to open other databases from Access97 .
I am being asked for the Name and Password ( from the workgroup I
created) . It looks like , once I set up a workgroup file, Access will
always refer its security based on the the currently joined workgroup.

I want to apply this workgroup security only to the application I am
currently developing, not to all the Access 97 databases.

Does anyone know any solution .
Rejoin the default system.mdw workgroup file. Then use a shortcut with the
necessary command line parameters, i.e.,

"path to msaccess.exe" "path to your.mdb" /wrkgrp "path to your.mdw"
Susan said:
Hi all,
I have an Access 97 database that restrics the users through a user
level workgroup file. It works well and good for this particular
The problem occurs when I try to open other databases from Access97 .
I am being asked for the Name and Password ( from the workgroup I
created) . It looks like , once I set up a workgroup file, Access will
always refer its security based on the the currently joined workgroup.

I want to apply this workgroup security only to the application I am
currently developing, not to all the Access 97 databases.

Does anyone know any solution .

As you have seen the workgroup affects the "session". It is not linked to
any particular file. The bascis are this...

Access ALWAYS uses a workgroup file.

If you don't specify a workgroup as a command line argument your default
workgroup as defined in the Workgroup Administrator Utility is used.

If the workgroup being used has a password on the default user Admin then
you are prompted to log in. If the default user Admin does not have a
password then you are not prompted and are silently logged in as Admin.

So...if you have made your default workgroup one that has a password on the
Admin user then you are prompted every time you open Access. The file or
files that you might decide to open are irrelevant at this point.

Use the Workgroup Administrator tool to change your default workgroup back
to System.mdw. Then create a shortcut for opening Access that includes your
secure MDW file as a commnad line argument. When you use that shortcut you
will be prompted. When you open Access any other way you will not be. The
target of such a shortcut would be...

"full path to MSACCESS.EXE" /wrkgrp "full path to MDW"

By the way, you should find after doing the above that you cannot open your
secured files unless you open Access using the special shortcut. If you can
open them without using that shortcut, then you didn't apply security

If you only have one secured file then a common practice is to also specify
that file in the custome shortcut so that it automatically is opened. That
syntax would be...

"full path to MSACCESS.EXE" /wrkgrp "full path to MDW" "full path to MDB"

A shortcut like this would then be supplied to all of your users so that you
can also leave their default workgroup alone.
It sounds as though the default workgroupfile has been modified thus
imposing the same log on security to all databases.

To impose workgroup security on a specific database, run the Workgroup
Administrator WRKGADM.EXE to create a new workgroup information file with
the user and user group details you require.

Create a shortcut to start your appication as follows:
"C:\Program Files\MicrosoftOffice\Office\MSACCESS.EXE" "PathToYourMDB"
/wrkgrp "PathToYourNewMDW.mdw"
(Assuming Access has been installed to the default folders)

Get an unmodified copy of the default system.mdw and replace your modified
one with it.

A search of this newsgroup will yield plenty of info on security in Access.
