Access Events and Screen Resolution change. Wierd Problem...



I have an access 2003 MDE. On 9 computers it works perfectly well. On two
computers I have a wierd problem.

All computers Dell GX270 running Office 2003 and XP Pro SP1 with integrated
intel drivers.

If the resulition is set to 1024 X 768 the application functions exactly as
the other computers.

When I change the resuolution on one of the computers to 800 X 600. I open
up the MDE application and it works 99% the same way.

PROBLEM: When I click a button on a subform that runs some VBA code to
update a combo box on the the main form. The code acts like it works (IE)
no errors, but the fields are not getting updated.

What I have found is when the resulution is changed to 800 X 600 a different
order of events are being fired. IE A current event is being fired before
the code that sets the combo box properly. On the other machines 1024 X 768
resolution this isn't happening NO Current event is being fired just the
setting of the main forms combo boxes. This is the case for a text box and
check box too.

I am hoping someone could shed some light on this as it is very frustrating
trying to explain this to users, managers actually anyone.



[MVP] S.Clark

In your specifications, always state the base resolution for the application
will be created. Then anyone that uses anything except that resolution is
not covered under your contract. I know... too late for that now.

Other than that, your situation is very odd, and I would explore other
factors prior to pointing the finger at the screen resolution.

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