Access data base - read only



When I open the Access data base, it is read only. What do I have to do to change this from read only to be able to work in the data base. I'm using Access 2000.
Thank you for your help.

Ken Snell

In Windows Explorer, right click on the file icon and see if the ReadOnly
flag is checked. Uncheck it if not.


Ken Snell

MHW said:
When I open the Access data base, it is read only. What do I have to do to
change this from read only to be able to work in the data base. I'm using
Access 2000.


It might also be because your database was created with an older version of Access and then validated on opening. To solve this, try converting your database to Access 2000 format (Tools menu, converting database. If the option to Convert to Access 2000 is not greyed out, then you should convert it)

Ken Snell

Default format for ACCESS 2003 is ACCESS 2000.

Did you check if the file has the ReadOnly attribute set to yes?


Ken Snell

Trine said:
Hi - I have the same problem and although the advice given was useful, I
still have the same problem - my file is still read only (aaaaargh!!!)
My work computer has Access 2003, but when I went into my database I found
it had automatically converted to Access 2000. When I tried to convert it
back to Access 2003, nothing happened (or maybe it kept converting it back
to Access 2000 straight away). Is there anything else I can try?
For some weird reason I can open the file OK on the other computers at
work, but just not mine! Nobody else has touched my database, so I'm not
quite sure what's going on.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated......Thanks
of Access and then validated on opening. To solve this, try converting your
database to Access 2000 format (Tools menu, converting database. If the
option to Convert to Access 2000 is not greyed out, then you should convert
it)do to change this from read only to be able to work in the data base. I'm
using Access 2000.



I was wondering if the problem was fixed, because I have the same problem.
I made an Access-database, zipped it and sent it by mail to a user (not inside the company and not on the network). The problem is that when he unzips this database and opens it, he only has read-only access. He checked the properties of the databasefile and the flag read-only was grey, YOU CAN'T CHANGE THIS FLAG. What to do?

Thanx in advance!

Brendan Reynolds

Are you sure he unzipped it? Is he using Windows XP? Windows XP has built-in
support for the zip compression format in the form of 'compressed folders',
so if the user is using Windows XP it would be possible for him to open the
MDB without unzipping it (by double clicking the zip file, which Windows XP
will open as though it were a folder, then double clicking the MDB within
the zip file). I wouldn't be at all surprised if the file was treated as
read-only in those circumstances, but I can't test on this PC because I have
WinZip installed here and that alters the default behaviour.

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

The spammers and script-kiddies have succeeded in making it impossible for
me to use a real e-mail address in public newsgroups. E-mail replies to
this post will be deleted without being read. Any e-mail claiming to be
from brenreyn at indigo dot ie that is not digitally signed by me with a
GlobalSign digital certificate is a forgery and should be deleted without
being read. Follow-up questions should in general be posted to the
newsgroup, but if you have a good reason to send me e-mail, you'll find
a useable e-mail address at the URL above.

Pain said:

I was wondering if the problem was fixed, because I have the same problem.
I made an Access-database, zipped it and sent it by mail to a user (not
inside the company and not on the network). The problem is that when he
unzips this database and opens it, he only has read-only access. He checked
the properties of the databasefile and the flag read-only was grey, YOU
Thanx in advance!
to change this from read only to be able to work in the data base. I'm using
Access 2000.

Brendan Reynolds

I'm fairly sure that the message a user would see if the problem was related
to Access security is quite different from the read-only message.

What is the exact wording of the message the user sees when trying to open
this MDB?

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

The spammers and script-kiddies have succeeded in making it impossible for
me to use a real e-mail address in public newsgroups. E-mail replies to
this post will be deleted without being read. Any e-mail claiming to be
from brenreyn at indigo dot ie that is not digitally signed by me with a
GlobalSign digital certificate is a forgery and should be deleted without
being read. Follow-up questions should in general be posted to the
newsgroup, but if you have a good reason to send me e-mail, you'll find
a useable e-mail address at the URL above.

Pain said:
Thanx for the reply Brendan.
Yes, I made sure he unzipped it into a folder before opening it.
I got a little further though: he unzipped it to c:\ and he checked the
properties of the file again. The read-only flag was unchecked, but still
the same problem!
He still gets the read-only message in access, no changes can be made.
This made me conclude that it's not a windows problem, but an Access
problem. Now there are 2 things that could make this happen according to me.
1. I once set up user accounts for access (not for this project that I
emailed to my client but other projects) with the security wizard. I wasn't
completly satisfied with the security, so I disabled it again. Never saw any
security issues since for any pc in our company or any user (all permisions
active). But is it possible that somehow these security permissions are
still stored in the application Access and somehow imported in every project
so that users outside this company still only have the read-only permission?

2. There are file/directory permissions that work inside the company but
not outside? This isn't likely to be the problem, because I've created the
Access application on my desktop, never changed the permissions and never
copied or shared the application on the network. But still, the more
information you get, the better to help me. Right?
I hope to hear soon from anybody, because it's very urgent.

Thanx alot in advance.



Thanx for the help Brendan.

It's hard to help someone if you can't see the problem with your own eyes. Especially if the client who's describing the problem is a complete newbie. Of course it's not his fault the application doesn't work, but it's hard to help him if he doesn't even know what he's doing.

We agreed to meet today, so I can personally see what's going on. I'm sure I can help him, it's propably something simple. Lets hope it's not to serious of a problem. :)

Thanx for the help and I'll keep you posted if I can't solve the problem.

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