Access ADP - SQL server diagram conflicts.



I've run into an annoyance, if I create a new Access project from an
existing SQL database and open up diagrams created earlier with th
enterprise manager Access XP crashes. Creating new diagrams through Access
seems to work just fine. Anyone else run into this? Thanks all.


Norman Yuan

Yes, I have the same problem. Iused to use MSDE a lot, which does not come
with Enterprise Manager. So I am used to use Access2K or later as MSDE
management tool. Now I have had AccessXP and SQL2K Developer version,
installed, and still like to do routine SQL database design in Access (*.adp
file). So is the problem: diagrams created in either tool (AccessXP, or
Enterprise Manager) do not live together: diagram created in AccessXP does
not show well in Enterprise Manager, on some gray boxes, representing
tables, without relationship links; diagram created in Enterprise Manager
crashes Access XP entirely. So, I choose either do the diagram in Enterprise
Manager, or AccessXP project, not in both.

Norman Yuan

Oh, I forgot to metion:

Actually, if I create a diagram in Enterprise Manager, the diagram not only
crashes AccessXP (I did not try it with Access2K or Access2K3), it also
crashes Visual Studio2003 if I try to open it in Server Explorer. So,
obviously, the problem in with Enterprise Manager on my computer ( as I
stated, I have SQL Server2K Developer version, SP3, and I believe Enterprise
Manager on dirreferent version of SQL Server 2K is the same).


That's exactly what I'm experiencing!! It pretty much sucks. I figure that
something must be wrong somewhere as that type of behaviour can't be by
design and there doesn't really seem to be much difference in diagrams
created with the enterprise manager and Access.


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