Acc07: am I missing something?


Dick Watson

Just now using Acc07 for new development for the first time and I notice two
incredibly annoying new "features" and I'd like to know if I can revert to
prior behavior.

1) No way to discard new query: Create a new query. Run it, it does what you
want, and you will never use it again. How do you just close it and not have
to save it only to delete it?

2) Implicit save of existing, edited, query: Create a query that doesn't
work exactly as intended. Save it. Then go and simplify out some elements of
the query to see if you can identify what is preventing the final form from
working as expected. Se the problem. Close the query expecting to re-open
the save version and go in and fix the identified issue. But the simplified
test version is there instead.

I'm sure they put these feature in for the clueless masses, but for the more
clueful among us they just get way in the way. Is there a way to get it to
NOT do these things?

Albert D. Kallal

1) No way to discard new query: Create a new query. Run it, it does what
you want, and you will never use it again. How do you just close it and
not have to save it only to delete it?

Gee, I can't duplicate the above behaviours. The way it works for me is as

If I close the asks me to save..and then I simply answer
is discarded....

The above seems no different then the previous versions I used...

However, if you execute a docmd.SetWarnings false, then you are NEVER
prompted for a save..and you get the EXACT behaviour you are speaking of.

I never run my databases with setwarnings turned off, but it certainly seems
like you done that (either you have code that does this, or you accident
execute a docmd.SetWarnings False).

Perhaps set warnings was turned off. If you do that, then even in access
you get the same behaviour you describe (you can't exit a query without
cancel..and NOT saving!). Access 2003 works this way. Access 2002 works this
Access 2000 works this way. I don't have a97 handy and near me...
but it likely works that way also...

2) Implicit save of existing, edited, query: Create a query that doesn't
work exactly as intended. Save it. Then go and simplify out some elements
of the query to see if you can identify what is preventing the final form
from working as expected. Se the problem. Close the query expecting to
re-open the save version and go in and fix the identified issue. But the
simplified test version is there instead. lost me on the above....

I would check your likely have some code changing this
or you changed it. Just whack ctrl-g to get to the code/debug window, and
then type in

docmd.SetWarnings True

now alt-f4 (just close the window)...

I have applications with 30,000+ lines of VBA code..and I never once had to
setwarnigns, and I generally leave it alone. however, the behaviours you
in terms of a query not prompting for a save goes all the way back to a2000,
perhaps earlier..that is about 10 years of ms-access working that way...

Keith Wilby

Dick Watson said:
Just now using Acc07 for new development for the first time and I notice
two incredibly annoying new "features" and I'd like to know if I can
revert to prior behavior.

I've only ever noticed this when a run-time error has occurred during
testing, and it's been evident since A97. Try closing and re-opening.


Dick Watson

It took quite a while to run this down, but you were exactly right. I had
used, hours previously, a rarely used macro that SetWarnings No and then
tried to turn them back on with another SetWarnings No. Oooops. That's been
in there that way back to probably Access 97 and I'd never had occasion to

Thanks for your post.

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