A specific link won't work.



Im using ie6. When I go to msn.com and click on their hotmail link, it will
not work or let me save it to favorites.
All other links work fine.


PA Bear

What happens when you click on the link or attempt to add it to your
Favorites? Post any error messages, please.


When I click the link, the address goes to the address bar and a blank page
comes up and no error message. When I save it to favorites, it goes through
the motions but no link is added and no error message. This is after a
reformat and reinstall. I went to internet options and clicked advanced and
hit the bottom reset button. That fixed it for about 3 tries, now back to
same old problem.

PA Bear

Why did you find it necessary to format & reinstall Windows? You didn't do
a Repair Install, did you?

Is an anti-virus application installed and is your subscription current?
Was the Windows Firewall or a third-party firewall enabled immediately after

How long have you been running, since the reinstall, without any Windows
Updates installed? Get the machine fully patched at Windows Update (do NOT
install IE7 yet!), make sure Automatic Updates is enabled, then tell us if
this behavior persists.

PS: To get the machine fully patched successfully, I think you're going to
need the following KB article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/943144


The pc was a work pc and just wanted to start clean.
No updates installed yet
No antivirus running yet
Only windows firewall.
It started this after reformat and install not a repair. (Prob need
Will try what you said and get back. Thanks very much.

PA Bear

After the format & reinstall, you ended up with the equivalent of a "new
computer" =>

Before You Connect a New Computer to the Internet

Security FAQ & Checklist

If you've allowed the machine to access the internet in its current state
since the format & reinstall, format & reinstall again, then take care of
EVERYTHING in http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/before_you_plug_in.html before
using the machine to do anything else online.

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