Hiya everyone, i'm Stephen from Pembrokeshire in south-west wales. I thought it'd be rude not to join this forum and say hello because i've found some great advice here and from reading the forums i can tell you're a great bunch of people to know.
I spend a large proportion of my time online play Joint Operations : Typhoon Rising online, apart from that i'm waiting for Half-Life 2 to come out, apart form that i won't bore u with useless information such as my inside leg measurements and all
I like my pc loads, messing around with it, overclocking it and butchering it and i thought it was the business until my mate andy went out and spent 3k on an alienware system, there's always one ain't there
Thanks for reading this people, chat to you again soon.
I spend a large proportion of my time online play Joint Operations : Typhoon Rising online, apart from that i'm waiting for Half-Life 2 to come out, apart form that i won't bore u with useless information such as my inside leg measurements and all

I like my pc loads, messing around with it, overclocking it and butchering it and i thought it was the business until my mate andy went out and spent 3k on an alienware system, there's always one ain't there

Thanks for reading this people, chat to you again soon.