A BIG hello to everyone

Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hiya everyone, i'm Stephen from Pembrokeshire in south-west wales. I thought it'd be rude not to join this forum and say hello because i've found some great advice here and from reading the forums i can tell you're a great bunch of people to know.

I spend a large proportion of my time online play Joint Operations : Typhoon Rising online, apart from that i'm waiting for Half-Life 2 to come out, apart form that i won't bore u with useless information such as my inside leg measurements and all :P

I like my pc loads, messing around with it, overclocking it and butchering it and i thought it was the business until my mate andy went out and spent 3k on an alienware system, there's always one ain't there :P

Thanks for reading this people, chat to you again soon.
Welcome Stephen :) I'm glad you've found stuff on the forums of use!

Glad you joined us :D
Welcome aboard, we all enjoy being on the forum and hope you will too! :)
Hiya JonnySpam - great name :D

Glad you like what you see so far :)

That name, hmm, maybe I could rename myself FreddySalami or maybe GeorgiePastrami.... ;)
LOL !!!! thanks for the warm welcome guys, and i'm glad you like the name mr floppybootstomp there's a little story behind it which i'll share with you sometime if you're interested. I look forward to posting many more messages to you guys.
Welcome dude :).

Dont matter how small the problem is, just post it on here and someone will help you a.s.a.p :D.

LOL !!! i don't mind, my old nickname used to be sha-rooom originating from mushroom, *aah the memories back in the days when you used to torture yourself in school with ridiculous haircuts* :P Yes i had the pudding bowl haircut and apart from looking like a muppet i did resemble a mushroom :P

As for jonnyspam, it's not a funny story i bought a renault 5, 3 years ago to drive and the reg plate read: J785 SPM, and my mates started calling it the spam-mobile :P When i started playing games on the internet i thought JonnySpam would be quite a good screen name bit lame i know :P

Funny thing is when i first started using it in delta force land warrior, (I think) some foreigners thought i was an actual spam emailer :S and i kept getting booted, but know people see the funny side of it like you guys. Saying that last night some guy playing joint ops was called "Gravy and Chips" bit of a sales ploy i think cause that made me hungry :P

Many Thanks for the warm welcome guys i've very appreciative of the friendship that you guys share on this forum.