3rd Time Posted But No solution Until NOW


Ayman Salem

Please Help This case is happening to all of my my MS Office 2003 Updates
its simple not updating .

If you cant help me please reply to me with someone who can.

While trying to install Update for Outlook 2003: Junk E-mail Filter
(KB873362). I am getting this message this message: "Error 2902. An internal
error has occured(ixfAssemblyCopy ) Contact your information Technology
department for assistance." Also I am getting the same error message for

Thank you,

Ayman Salem


Ayman, I have just read a reply to someone who has previously tried to help

"This is a shame I didnt ask for people who have the same problem but people
with solutions."

Can I suggest if you are unhappy with people taking their time and effort to
help you, you contact Microsoft and get support from them, albeit at a cost
to yourself ?


Ayman Salem said:
Please Help This case is happening to all of my my MS Office 2003
Updates its simple not updating .

If you cant help me please reply to me with someone who can.

While trying to install Update for Outlook 2003: Junk E-mail Filter
(KB873362). I am getting this message this message: "Error 2902. An
error has occured(ixfAssemblyCopy ) Contact your information
department for assistance." Also I am getting the same error message

We are volunteers here who get to choose who we help and to what degree.
If you want better support than you get here, go pay for it. You are
guaranteed to turn off potential respondents with posts like yours in
http://snipurl.com/bho5. We don't work for you. We are not employed
nor paid to be here. Some problems are so new that no one in the public
community has a fix yet. However, the update has been available since
November 10, there are few posts found in Google Groups regarding
"ixfAssemblyCopy", so it is likely something peculiar to your setup (and
why the other poster asked you to divulge your setup to see what might
be common with them who is having the same problem).

When posting, get used to the "me too" replies. They add nothing to the
content of the thread and are distracting fluff added by those that
cannot resist chiming in when they suffer the same ailment. They don't
know how to use the Watch flag in their newsreader or they are using a
webnews-for-dummies interface, so they track on their me-too reply by
their name (i.e., search on it) so they can search for the old thread by
their name rather than just watching those of interest to them.

Since you are asking about problems with *installing* an update then it
is not a problem specific to Outlook (which may not even be running when
you do the Office update). It doesn't seem to be an Outlook problem at
all; see http://snipurl.com/bhop (found by a Google search on
"ixfAssemblyCopy" that you could've done yourself rather than complain
that no one choose to address your problem here). Rather than edit the
boot.ini file to see if the suggested fix works for you, just
right-click on My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Performance, DEP tab -
which is new to WinXP SP-2. However, I found a post mentioning "Error
2902" at http://snipurl.com/bhp4 (another Google search) which is dated
back in 2002, so maybe it is a .NET problem. Did you do a recent
Windows Update to ensure you have the latest .NET updates?

If the problem is critical - and you don't want a better Bayesian filter
than provided in OL2003, like SpamBayes or SpamPal (with its Bayesian
plug-in) - you might end up having to pay Microsoft to fix the problem
assuming they know what's wrong. Have you yet tried rebooting in clean
mode by using msconfig to eliminate startup programs and then try
installing the update? Can you download the update and reboot into Safe
mode to see if it works there?

Stephen Frost via OfficeKB.com

Thanks to the person with the "run Office Detect and Repair" tip. It fixed the problem on my notebook! Much appreciated.

I'm still none the wiser as to the root cause, but hopefully the detect and repair process hasn't pushed the problem off into a different area (i.e. do I now have an incorrect version of a DLL somewhere that will pop up and bite me when I least expect it???).

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