2003 viewer won't play sound on 2000 pres


Gus Collot

Hi, everybody.

Trying out the new PP 2003 viewer, it doesn´t play sounds ( any format ) in
a PP 2000 pres. On the other hand, the PP 97 viewer does play them. Any
ideas or experiences on this ?




Austin Myers


It works as expected on this end. Are you getting any sort of error

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Gus Collot

Not at all....plain silent. It sounds when played via PP Viewer 97, however.
Presentation was designed with PP 2000, audio inserted in three formats :
..wav, .mid, .mp3.

Could it be that the viewer must be placed in the presentation & linked
files' folder, or viceversa -- that both viewer and pres should share the
same directory ?



Austin Myers said:

It works as expected on this end. Are you getting any sort of error

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team


They don't have to be in the same folders, but the links definitely have to
be "pathless". PowerPoint 2003's Package to CD and Package to Folder will
ensure this and fix links if needed. So will our product PowerLink Plus
http://www.soniacoleman.com/Tutorials/PowerPoint/acdpc.htm (but you don't
need PowerPoint 2003 to use it).

But my question would be, are any of your WAV's embedded, and if so do they
not play?
Sonia, MS PowerPoint MVP Team
(Free Templates, Tutorials, PowerLink, PowerLink Plus,
and Autorun CD Project Creator Pro)
PowerPoint Live! - Featured Speaker
Tucson, AZ; October 12-15, 2003

Gus Collot said:
Not at all....plain silent. It sounds when played via PP Viewer 97, however.
Presentation was designed with PP 2000, audio inserted in three formats :
.wav, .mid, .mp3.

Could it be that the viewer must be placed in the presentation & linked
files' folder, or viceversa -- that both viewer and pres should share the
same directory ?




Gus Collot

Well, that's the peculiar thing ; the pres plays when (a) is PP activated,
(b) PP-Viewer activated (97), but with this one, in spite of all
expectations no sound feedback at all, even with the traditional .wav and
..mid formats....

I wonder, would it have anything to do with WIN 98 non-compatibility ? I
once read that Office 2003 had set aside Win 98 users, although I'm not
quite sure if this is true, from what I heard later.

Gus Collot


Glen Millar


I believe the viewer is supposed to be for Win 98 Second Edition. Is that
what you have?


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here
Remove spaces from signature

Gus Collot

Right...as I said, I can´t understand why it's happening.





Let's start from the beginning. Are you testing this from the hard drive,
opening the Viewer and then browsing to locate and open the presentation?
Are the WAV files embedded?

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

I wonder, would it have anything to do with WIN 98 non-compatibility ? I
once read that Office 2003 had set aside Win 98 users, although I'm not
quite sure if this is true, from what I heard later.

Win 98 or Win 98 SE, Gus?

The Viewer's suppsed to work with SE but not ... err ... the one that's not
SE. Regular Win98.

Gus Collot

This is Win98 SE....anyway, thanks to you all, something's rotten in
Denmark. The .wav file was inserted, same as the .mid. I opened the viewer
and then located the pres in its own folder. Only thing left to test is
creating a demo pres + a sound file in the viewer's directory , have the
sound inserted and see if it works, but frankly it doesn't logically make
sense, considering the 97 viewer handles the situation perfectly.



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