20 sec browser freeze more descriptions



I use comcast cable with Windows XP and my browser is IE
6 with the SP1 pack. I called comcast before I did
anything assuming it was that problem again and they
checked and said my connection is excellent and its not
that. I don't lag or have problems with anything else but
the browser... When its the cable - I have problems
everywhere - messenger, booted in games, etc.. everywhere
else I am fine. My browser still loads a site super fast -
says done - but the green light up squares at the bottom
stay lit up on the last one when it says done - freezes
for 20 seconds, then it lets me do stuff. So its not the
modem... I think its reading something that one of those
programs put on my system and checks for that link and
the link is broken or gone now. But I don't know how to
find it or to fix this. Would spybot and norton for sure
have taken care of this if it were that? I am going
crazy - browsing the web is taking too long now. I have
to get this resolved some how.


Okay its fixed - I ran adware. No idea if this actually
did it though. I opened my browser and it was still
freezing up after that. No reboot had been done at this
point. I decided to do a repair of it. It said to be on
the administrative desktop so even though the one I am on
has all those same priveleges, glad I did switch over to
the other. The browser was fine on IT. So I was like -
what is going on? Its my desktop now? So I returned to my
desktop and now it works... still no reboot... never did
anything else... no idea but when they say there are
glitches - I guess there are. Thanks for the suggestion
of adware though - that is a good one to have :)

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