2 Windows XP problems: Part 1) How to switch user names and retainall settings?


Kyler Jones


Can the following be accomplished:

1a. A Windows XP work station, on Windows NT 4.0 Server domain (SP
6.0a), can a username simply be changed to a new name with all personal
settings being retained for the new user? How else can this be

1b. Can all of a users personal settings be backed up and restored to a
new computer?

Thank you for any insight.


Bruce Chambers

Kyler said:

Can the following be accomplished:

1a. A Windows XP work station, on Windows NT 4.0 Server domain (SP
6.0a), can a username simply be changed to a new name with all personal
settings being retained for the new user? How else can this be

If you rename a domain user account, the account's SID remains
unchanged. As it's the SID that really identifies the user, the user
should still be presented with his/her original user profile when
logging in.

1b. Can all of a users personal settings be backed up and restored to a
new computer?

Pretty much, yes.

If you need a scripted approach to handle a large number of
machines and users, the User State Migration Tool is your friend.

Description of the User State Migration Tool for Windows XP Professional

If you've only couple profiles to transfer, the File And Settings
Transfer (F.A.S.T.) Wizard should suffice.

HOW TO Use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard By Using the Windows

HOW TO Use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard with a Wizard Disk in
Windows XP

Or, there is the "old fashioned," manual way:

How to Copy User Data to a New User Profile


Bruce Chambers

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