2 web sites on the same server!!?? Help!



I have an original web site in Swedish that now has been translated into
English. I want the visitor to be able to select language, and then go to a
site in that language.

I likesthe idea of subwebs (or whatever MS calls them in English) and
created one, but my web hotel won't allow it.

I need to link between different language pages (can be more than two in the
future) but each language should have its own link bar as if it was on a
seprate server. When I have tried to make both sites co-exist in the same
directory structure, it has messed up my link field. I need two, or more,
separate link fields that don't borrow from each other.

I also have a customer survey database that must be filled from different
language pages.

Any ideas?



MD Websunlimited

Hi Tomas,

One root page that directs to the language tree. Each language tree would be a FP subweb.


You mean like this:

root page ---Swedish subweb
|--English subweb
|-X language subweb

I thought about this but was afraid to mess up files on the server with all
the hidden files that FP uploads, especially if I try to upload several
individually created subwebs and merging them first on the serer.

How would you do this exactly? Create them as separate websites in FP and
try to join them when uploading, or creating everything as one website kept
in different subfolders?

You see, I tried using the built-in function of FP to create subwebs but I
can't upload them - forbidden by my webhotel.



"MD Websunlimited" skrev:

MD Websunlimited

Just create a different web on your local machine for each, then when you publish use a different folder name, e.g., Swedish,
English. There will not be any file conflicts as each is qualified by the folder containing it and relative pathing.



Thank you very much!

One final [hope ;-)] question:

If you create them as separate webs, how to maintain the links between them?
Can FP handle that or do I have to manually edit before uploading?

Or, is it possible to use the built-in subweb functionality of FP when
creating the webs, but then uploading them one at a time to different folders
on the server (with the same folder structure on the server as on my local



"MD Websunlimited" skrev:


You'd use custom link bars for navigation between them.
You can publish the subwebs separately...subwebs are treated like totally different entities.

| Mike,
| Thank you very much!
| One final [hope ;-)] question:
| If you create them as separate webs, how to maintain the links between them?
| Can FP handle that or do I have to manually edit before uploading?
| Or, is it possible to use the built-in subweb functionality of FP when
| creating the webs, but then uploading them one at a time to different folders
| on the server (with the same folder structure on the server as on my local
| machine)?
| Best,
| Tomas
| "MD Websunlimited" skrev:
| > Just create a different web on your local machine for each, then when you publish use a different folder name, e.g., Swedish,
| > English. There will not be any file conflicts as each is qualified by the folder containing it and relative pathing.
| >
| >
| > --
| > Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
| > J-Bots 2004 Released Special Pricing
| > http://www.websunlimited.com
| > FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 FP 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible
| >
| > > You mean like this:
| > >
| > > root page ---Swedish subweb
| > > |
| > > |--English subweb
| > > |
| > > |-X language subweb
| > > |
| > > |...
| > >
| > > I thought about this but was afraid to mess up files on the server with all
| > > the hidden files that FP uploads, especially if I try to upload several
| > > individually created subwebs and merging them first on the serer.
| > >
| > > How would you do this exactly? Create them as separate websites in FP and
| > > try to join them when uploading, or creating everything as one website kept
| > > in different subfolders?
| > >
| > > You see, I tried using the built-in function of FP to create subwebs but I
| > > can't upload them - forbidden by my webhotel.
| > >
| > > Best,
| > >
| > > Tomas
| > >
| > >
| > > "MD Websunlimited" skrev:
| > >
| > >> Hi Tomas,
| > >>
| > >> One root page that directs to the language tree. Each language tree would be a FP subweb.
| > >>
| > >> --
| > >> Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
| > >> J-Bots 2004 Released Special Pricing
| > >> http://www.websunlimited.com
| > >> FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 FP 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible
| > >>
| > >> >I have an original web site in Swedish that now has been translated into
| > >> > English. I want the visitor to be able to select language, and then go to a
| > >> > site in that language.
| > >> >
| > >> > I likesthe idea of subwebs (or whatever MS calls them in English) and
| > >> > created one, but my web hotel won't allow it.
| > >> >
| > >> > I need to link between different language pages (can be more than two in the
| > >> > future) but each language should have its own link bar as if it was on a
| > >> > seprate server. When I have tried to make both sites co-exist in the same
| > >> > directory structure, it has messed up my link field. I need two, or more,
| > >> > separate link fields that don't borrow from each other.
| > >> >
| > >> > I also have a customer survey database that must be filled from different
| > >> > language pages.
| > >> >
| > >> > Any ideas?
| > >> >
| > >> > Best,
| > >> >
| > >> > Tomas
| > >>
| > >>
| > >>
| >
| >
| >

Rick Budde

You could create your site and have everything in the
root directory. It would work but it would be a nightmare
to maintain. Therefore one uses subdirectories (folders)
to organize one's site.

Subwebs are really just subdirectories (with some special
properties). Therefore why don't you use subdirectories
on your site to organize your various language versions.

What I have done on one such site is to have English
(titled "eng") & Spanish (titled "esp") subdirectories
off the root. In each of those subdirectories, I have
included other subdirectories which are named to mirror
my "menu" items of the site. By the way, I title these in
my native language. Your Page Title Property, which is
displayed in the browser title bar should be in the
language of the page in question.

I then include an "index" page in my root directory for
the "home" page in each language, "index"
and "index_esp". The home pages include prominent links
to the other language. I use the words "Engiish"
and "Espanol". You have to decide which langauge to be
the default language and make that page your site's
actual index/home page. Then you are good to go!

I am sure there are many other ways to accomplish this
task but this works for me. Good luck.

MD Websunlimited


FP can handle it.

Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
J-Bots 2004 Released Special Pricing
FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 FP 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible

Tomas said:

Thank you very much!

One final [hope ;-)] question:

If you create them as separate webs, how to maintain the links between them?
Can FP handle that or do I have to manually edit before uploading?

Or, is it possible to use the built-in subweb functionality of FP when
creating the webs, but then uploading them one at a time to different folders
on the server (with the same folder structure on the server as on my local



"MD Websunlimited" skrev:
Just create a different web on your local machine for each, then when you publish use a different folder name, e.g., Swedish,
English. There will not be any file conflicts as each is qualified by the folder containing it and relative pathing.

Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
J-Bots 2004 Released Special Pricing
FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 FP 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible


yah - folders much simple-er

| You could create your site and have everything in the
| root directory. It would work but it would be a nightmare
| to maintain. Therefore one uses subdirectories (folders)
| to organize one's site.
| Subwebs are really just subdirectories (with some special
| properties). Therefore why don't you use subdirectories
| on your site to organize your various language versions.
| What I have done on one such site is to have English
| (titled "eng") & Spanish (titled "esp") subdirectories
| off the root. In each of those subdirectories, I have
| included other subdirectories which are named to mirror
| my "menu" items of the site. By the way, I title these in
| my native language. Your Page Title Property, which is
| displayed in the browser title bar should be in the
| language of the page in question.
| I then include an "index" page in my root directory for
| the "home" page in each language, "index"
| and "index_esp". The home pages include prominent links
| to the other language. I use the words "Engiish"
| and "Espanol". You have to decide which langauge to be
| the default language and make that page your site's
| actual index/home page. Then you are good to go!
| I am sure there are many other ways to accomplish this
| task but this works for me. Good luck.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >I have an original web site in Swedish that now has been
| translated into
| >English. I want the visitor to be able to select
| language, and then go to a
| >site in that language.
| >
| >I likesthe idea of subwebs (or whatever MS calls them in
| English) and
| >created one, but my web hotel won't allow it.
| >
| >I need to link between different language pages (can be
| more than two in the
| >future) but each language should have its own link bar
| as if it was on a
| >seprate server. When I have tried to make both sites co-
| exist in the same
| >directory structure, it has messed up my link field. I
| need two, or more,
| >separate link fields that don't borrow from each other.
| >
| >I also have a customer survey database that must be
| filled from different
| >language pages.
| >
| >Any ideas?
| >
| >Best,
| >
| >Tomas
| >.
| >


If you use FrontPage navigation components (link bars etc.) you will have
problems linking to the Home page in each language. FrontPage links to the
Home page for the Website as a whole.

Also, if the server has FrontPage extensions publishing each subweb to the
same web (albeit with different files and folders) will result in FP asking
to delete the contents of the other subweb. FP will want to publish each
subweb to the root folder on the server. You can also only use one set of
shared borders (if you use shared borders).

With the above in mind, it will be easier to build the website as a single
web in two separate folders - one English, one Swedish - with the overall
home page to switch between them. Use include pages (or Dynamic Web
Templates in FP2003) instead of shared borders.

If the server does not have FP extensions, then two separate subwebs can be
used without problems except for the Home page links.

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Tomas said:

Thank you very much!

One final [hope ;-)] question:

If you create them as separate webs, how to maintain the links between
Can FP handle that or do I have to manually edit before uploading?

Or, is it possible to use the built-in subweb functionality of FP when
creating the webs, but then uploading them one at a time to different
on the server (with the same folder structure on the server as on my local



"MD Websunlimited" skrev:
Just create a different web on your local machine for each, then when you
publish use a different folder name, e.g., Swedish,
English. There will not be any file conflicts as each is qualified by the
folder containing it and relative pathing.

Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
J-Bots 2004 Released Special Pricing
FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 FP 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible


Thanks to everybody pitching in.

Looks like I'll give the "separate folders method" a try.

Now, if I do that will I be able to use the FP link bar for both languages.
My design today is built around it. There will be a root catalog with two
catalogs called En and Sw, and the contents will practically be identical
apart from the languages. So I want the link bar for English site to say:
Start, First Page, Second Page, and so on, while the other link bar should
say the same thing in Swedish. Will this very "automatic" component (the lonk
bar) not try to link between the catalogs on the same level?



"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" skrev:

Rick Budde

The link bars are NOT automatic. They do not read minds

The link bar links are set up in Navigation view. If you
set them up and name them correctly they should work the
way you want.

I assume that you will have one link bar for English and
another one for Swedish. I further assume that the
English link bar will be placed on the English pages and
the Swedish link bar on the Swedish pages.

As I suggested earlier, you will need to set up a Swedish
link on your English link bar and an English link on your
Swedish link bar.
-----Original Message-----
Thanks to everybody pitching in.

Looks like I'll give the "separate folders method" a try.

Now, if I do that will I be able to use the FP link bar for both languages.
My design today is built around it. There will be a root catalog with two
catalogs called En and Sw, and the contents will practically be identical
apart from the languages. So I want the link bar for English site to say:
Start, First Page, Second Page, and so on, while the other link bar should
say the same thing in Swedish. Will this
very "automatic" component (the lonk
bar) not try to link between the catalogs on the same level?



"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" skrev:
wrote in message [email protected]...


Alright, I'll make a smaller dummy site and try it out.

Thank you.



"Rick Budde" skrev:


A suggestion for the Link bars:

Use Global link bar to differentiate between English and Swedish

In navigation view, place the home pages for each language next to (not
below) the placeholder for the web's home page.
Then place the language pages below the respective "home" pages.

This keeps the navigation for each language separated, and allows a global
link bar to switch between languages.

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