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Orange Nuts

Ubuntu is damaged and retarted
Orange is brain damaged and retarted

Ubuntu is often called a pig with lipstick
Orange is a pig with lipstick

Ubuntu is slow
Oranges brain is slow

Ubuntu is all hype with no real innovation
Orange is all hype with nothing to back it up with

People hate Orange because he is stupid
People hate Ubuntu because it is stupid

Ubuntu tried to appear as a good OS but its really crap
Orange tries to boast all the time and appear great, but he is really crap

Ubuntu was created by a bunch of monkeys
Oranges momma and papa were monkeys

Oranges bad attitude and unstable mentality alienates everyone
Ubuntus bad-quirky-unstable behavior alienates everyone

Ubuntu has no originality or innovation
Orange has absolutely no originality and is boring

Ubuntu is forced on to people by idiots like Alias
Orange is forced upon people by trolling the Ubuntu newsgroup

Ubuntu is a loser
Orange is a loser

Ubuntu is based on crap
Orange is crap

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