Word Replace feature puts new text in upper case every time. Why?



Every time I use the Find / Replace feature in Word 2003 two bad things
happen. These are 1) the new text is always in UPPER CASE instead of the
desored mix of upper and lower case letters, and 2) after I use the Find /
Replace feature in Word, every time I then click on the Page Down icon on the
lower right of the screen I am taaken to the most recently replaced test
instead of to the top of the next page. The only "fix" I've found for this is
to exit Word and then restart it. Any suggestions for correcting these
problems would be welcome.


1- In the Find/Replace dialog box click in the 'Replace with:' field, click
the 'More' button at the bottom & see if the 'No Formatting' button text is
black. If so, click it.

2- The buttons you are clicking are _not_ PageUp/PageDn buttons, they are
'Browse by Object' buttons. Although PgUup/Dn is their _default_ function, it
is not their _only_ function. Their action changes based on the most recent
action used. When they are set at the default, they are black. If set for
something else, they are blue. Click the circular button between them to
select the 'Browse by Page' operation or whatever you prefer at the time.

Keep in mind that you can always use the PgUp/Dn keys regardless of what the
Browse Objects feature is set to.

HTH |:>)

Klaus Linke

1) the new text is always in UPPER CASE


Maybe you try to replace acronyms or abbreviations?
Check "Match case" in the Find dialog.

Else, if you replace MCD with Mad Cow Disease, you'll get the result


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