WinXP Joining a Domain


Jack B. Pollack

I just added several WinXP Pro boxes to a domain (previously they were
running stand alone).

I created the users in Active Directory and made them members of the 'User
Group' only. I changed the log in on the workstations to the DOMAIN instead
of the local computer.

I now have two questions:

1. What is the easiest way to migrate a local profile (eg. Desktop icons,
Start Menu, Power Management settings and other personal settings) to the
new Domain Profile (I don't want roaming profiles)?

2. Many settings such as Power Management are restricted now for the user,
this is OK for every-day use, but these settings are now back to default
values and must be customized. What is the best way to make these changes if
I dont have enough permission as just a 'User'? Logging in with a account
with more privileges does not help since these settings are unique for each


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