Windows XP Pro Update - Need new disk



I have Windows XP Pro Update, but it does not include SP2, When
Dell installed Windows XP Home on my new computer, they didn't leave any
backup point or restore point so I can't just go in and delete SP2 from
the Home Edition. I can't just update Home to Pro because the version
of Home with SP2 is later than my version of PRO without SP2. I figure
if I could get a new CD from Microsoft with PRO Update that included
SP2, then I might be able to install XP Pro.

Thanks for any help.



Simply install xp pro cd,restart computer,boot to xp cd,then select recovery,
press enter for password,then type:DiskPart In DiskPart,delete the
create,then press Esc key,then type:FORMAT C: /FS:ntfs When its thru type:
EXIT Let xp restart,reboot to xp cd,then select,install xp.

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