Windows XP Home system file association problem...

  • Thread starter David Morgan \(MAMS\)
  • Start date

David Morgan \(MAMS\)

Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:
I was kidding..

Got me! ;-)

I'm definitely laughing now, but you had me *totally* wrecked for a while.


PS: *Many* thanks for the links....

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


I wan't aware that I have Hebrew support here.. the page should just load..
try a refresh..

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/User

"If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept
it all to themselves." - Lane Kirkland

David Morgan \(MAMS\)

I even bypassed Zone Alarm in the event it might have contributed
to the blank page. I'm prompted by the IE6 Install On Demand
wizard that I must download the Hebrew text support option.
When I refuse, the page loads blank... same on a refresh.

I've been storing away some of the links supplied by respondents
for the past couple of days... I hope I don't have to use them, but
I'm finding some useful tips, just in case.

I am beginning to understand why you were looking for the most
glib aspects of my initial post... there really *are* people who do
some odd-ball things. Like the guy that has so much software
installed that his start menus can't expand far enough to view it
all!! (Can you say 'crash-in-the-making'?) Or the poor chap who
moved his start menu folder - by accident, of course...... or the
young fellow who upgraded every driver, every piece of software
and his BIOS, because a GAME wouldn't load ?!?! Wheeew.

You have my sympathies. ;-)


Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


If it asks for hebrew support, accept it.. there are no performance losses,
and you can only gain by having access to this site and others that may
require it.. the same applies to any language support asked for..

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/User

"If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept
it all to themselves." - Lane Kirkland

David Morgan \(MAMS\)

Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:
The default is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files..

A friend of mine from the pro audio group wrote me back yesterday
and gave me a few possible reasons for my initial querry, starting
with this one (I thought you might get a kick out of it) .....

1: You're in the wrong folder. XP creates folders for the Default User,
the User that's logged on, Users that aren't logged on but could, a
generic user, the User's spouse, the spouse's yoga partner, and a
temporary temp file (not to be confused with the persistent temp file)
for temp files that it only needs temporarily. It also creates folders
in more than one place at a time (Documents and Settings, the User tree,
MSsomethingorother and a CD that it burns during the night and hides
under the hard drive) and arbitrarily chooses what it puts where.

Needless to say, I'm beginning to see the differences... *and* why this
OS is consuming over 4 gigabytes.


Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


XP is a far more intensive OS than ever the Win 9x family was.. the user is
able to link to various locations from more than one place in some
instances, but this does not make up the bulk of the OS.. it has built in
support for may functions, and trust me, if it didn't there would be cries
about that..
It can recover from major upsets in a way that Win 9x couldn't if you just
typed a letter twice at the DOS prompt.. the fact that it uses the Microsoft
'Windows' brand name belies the differences that one would expect between
Unix and Win 9x..

Even Linux installations are loaded with all kinds of stuff 'just in case'..

What let XP down at the beginning was manufacturers unwillingness to provide
drivers.. the same is happening to Windows X64 presently.. this is an issue
outside of Microsoft, and don't consider that MS are any happier about the
situation than 'would be' users are..

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/User

"If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept
it all to themselves." - Lane Kirkland

David Morgan \(MAMS\)

Thanks Mike,

I'm gonna' trust you on this one. Keeping very streamlined boxes
that are virtually dedicated to specific functions is probably a major
reason I've never found too much fault with earlier OS's. With all the
language support available, I've never added any of it. When those
occasions arose, for me, the vast majority of web pages would still
load up, even though in their native text - most of which still contained
enough english to navigate. I'll give this a whirl...


David Morgan \(MAMS\)

One thing that I'm really not used to seeing, is the recommendation
to reload Windows (and certainly not the "repair" function). The only
time I've touched my 98SE disc in four years has been to add protocol
for my DSL. I'm used to the concept of loading Windows on top of
itself, as a method of repair, was a no-no. I guess you can tell, I'd
rather find and fix the problem, and learn something in the process,
than take such an unsure and easy way out.

SFC has been my best friend. Am I going to run into oddities with
the XP SFC due to the multiple user issue?

I noticed another unfamiliar term while reading tonight.... "Hive" (?)
If you have time, any insight appreciated. <I'm about Googled out>

Thanks again,


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