Windows thinks another install is happening? Won't let another ins



Restarted many times. I get an error 1600. I have run Office diagnostics,
Clean. Reinstalled Windows Installer, No Luck. How can I tell windows XP Pro
that there is no other install running? Clean up partial install?


avfreak said:
Restarted many times. I get an error 1600. I have run Office diagnostics,
Clean. Reinstalled Windows Installer, No Luck. How can I tell windows XP Pro
that there is no other install running? Clean up partial install?
Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable (v2)

Try to run the Office Install as normal and see if it will repair the issue.
Or let us have the exact verbatim of the error messages from the Event Viewer.
Open a Notepad, customize or minimize to the taskbar as you will need it
later for this step to copy the error message on it.
Open a run command and type in:
eventvwr.msc click [OK] you will get the Event viewer control Panel.
click on each of these:
Look in the right Pane/window for error message with red (X) or Yellow
exclamation mark /!\ , double click each one to get more info about the
On the Event error properties message you will see:
Up Arrow
Down arrow
Two pages
Click on the two pages to copy the error message then bring up the Notepad
you opened earlier and right click on the first line and select Paste from
the list, this will paste the error message on a Notepad.
Please don't duplicate the error message one of each kind will be sufficient.
HOW TO: View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP

Please we need just the error messages with Red (X) and don't repeat the
error, just one of each kind and post them back in your next post.



Try to see if there is anything in the startup folder that links too an
install or msiexec.exe. Then check in the Run / RunOnce folders in the

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