Windows Messenger/MSN Explorer/Outlook Express/Remote Assistance



Are all these part of an msn package and does the package include more
software? (Windows Messenger/MSN Explorer/Outlook Express/Remote Assistance)

I am not sure how they got installed in my computer. I am currently working
in trying to remove windows messenger. Do you guys know how I can remove the
other software since they are not located in the add and remove programs
under control panel?


Doug Knox MS-MVP

These are all included in Windows XP's installation. As for removal, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Windows Components. Note: for Windows Messenger and Outlook Express, this just removes the shortcuts, it does not uninstall the programs.

Doug Knox MS-MVP

Remote Assistance is a feature of Windows XP where you can have another user assist you with resolving a problem with your computer. To turn it off, simply right click My Computer, Properties, Remote. Uncheck the box for Remote Assistance.

You might also want to investigate the Help and Support feature on the Start Menu. Lots of good information there.

Doug Knox MS-MVP

Its entirely up to you. It requires that you send an invitation to the "helper" via Windows Messenger or e-mail, so if you don't send any invitations, it can't be used. And even if you do, you have to approve the connection.


Thanks for the help. Last question. So do you personally recommned removing
windows messenger, msn explorer, outlook express and remote assistant.
Because of security problems?

Doug Knox MS-MVP

No, not because of Security concerns. I don't use MSN Explorer, have left Windows Messenger in favor of MSN Messenger. Remote Assistance is there if I ever need it, and I use Outlook Express for e-mail every day.

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