Windows Mail problems in Vista Home Premium



I've seen various discussions on this theme but mine is a bit different,
hence I'm asking what might at first seem like a repetition of previous

I have set up two users on my PC for myself and my wife. We both use the
same ISP but obviously have different e-mail user IDs. I set up Windows Mail
for each of us and imported our old contact databases and messages from
Outlook Express 6 from our previous PC. Both accounts logged into our ISP
first time and downloaded all the waiting messages. We also sent e-mails
with no problem. So far, so good.

However, only a few hours later, although my wife's Mail is still working
fine mine has decided to play up and when I log in I get two messages:

An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800C0148

An unknown error has occurred. Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number:

I cannot now download e-mails or send. On top of this, sometimes my Inbox
pane shows I have 60 e-mails and other times the pane is empty but still
shows 60 are sitting there when I look at the Local Folders Inbox on the left
of the screen. Other times everything displays as normal.

So, why should my wife's work fine and mine now doesn't anymore? I've not
changed any settings and I know that we both have the same details in the POP
and SMTP lines.

Before anyone asks, I have McAfee installed (which I know a lot of people
think clashes with Vista) but that doesn't explain why my wife can access her
e-mails and I can't anymore.

Thanks for whatever advice you can offer me on this one. It's driving me mad.

Gary VanderMolen

What makes you think that just because your wife's email
isn't (yet) bothered by McAfee, therefore yours shouldn't either?
Have you never heard of Russian Roulette? Sooner or later the
hammer will drop.

Trust the many months of thousands of user experiences
we have acquired in this newsgroup. Uninstall McAfee.

Gary VanderMolen


I don't have McAfee and still have the problem, also I tried the WMUtil and
it only deleted one email in my outbox still have two other's hung up and get
an error message when I try the utility to delete them...

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

m singer said:
I don't have McAfee and still have the problem, also I tried the WMUtil and
it only deleted one email in my outbox still have two other's hung up and
an error message when I try the utility to delete them...

It doesn't sound like the same problem. What is the exact wording of your
error message when you try to receive.

What folder are the non-deletable messages in?
Can you drag them to the Junk Mail folder?

If you have anything from Norton or McAfee uninstall it.
Turn off email scanning in your anti-virus.


Yes, I have had this same problem for 2 days now. i have been working with
Dell techs for 4 hours today ( I have a new Dell computer ) it is 42 days

They think it is an update of Norton, that is stopping me from sending
e-mails. i was able to send , until 2 days ago. I want to uninstall
Norton, as I already have a subscription to another company. Do you know
how difficult it is to uninstall Norton.? It must take an act of God. The
techs tried taking over my computer, but even they could not do it .Norton
is convinced we HAVE to have their program, whether we want it or not.!! I
am not paying them any money , but it is still there. I have a tech in the
Phillipines working on this , and we will go at it again tomorrow. Luckily,
I am not working right now, because I would have to quit my job. No time to
work !!
I want to send e-mails!!! Do you blame me ? All the messages are there,
sitting in the outbox , but cannot be sent because Norton diid an upgrade
with the wrong ports or something like that. Even the clever guys who give
us answers here on this site, do not know how to remove Norton.

Or is there a real whiz out there.?? The tech and I brought up Norton. We
right clicked it , which said uninstall. it got halfway , then a message said
" sorry we cannot complete your uninstall".
I thought I was living in a land of freedom of speech, and choice.
Apparently not.
Why would Microsoft allow a program like Norton to be put by default on
their computers? Makes no sense to me.
I was happy with XP , but my computer died, so I had to buy a new one , and
had no choice, but Vista. I had heard of all of its quirks , and wanted to
wait until all had been fixed, but no, I have a brand new computer, and
cannot send e-mails!!!
Look here on this site , and see how many other people are having the same
problem. One guy said maybe I got the spelling of my name wrong.!! Oh, I
wish it ws that simple. Since I sent 54 e-mails, surely I would manage to
spell my own name right on at least one of them !! Would you think !!
DOWN WITH NORTON I SAY, AND MCAFEE TOO Tjhey are SO into security that even
the owners cannot use their own computers. What a laugh.
Okay ,you techs out there, see if you can outdo Norton. One of you
suggested that we put other anti-virus progams on( which I have done ) BUT
you didn't mention that it is virtually impossible to take out Norton. Try
moving Mt. Everest .

Hopefully, my supervisor tech ,in the Phillipines can do it for me tomorrow.
What a challenge. Yesterday I had 54 messages in my outbox , waiting to be
sent. Might as well delete them, right now they are not going anywhere.


I am trying to set up Windows Mail for the first time. I have provided all
the information exactly as it should be - I have done this many times with
many different programs - I am using PC-Cillin, which is set to NOT scan
e-mail. And I still get the same error
"An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800C0148".
My port is set to the correct number, not zero. I continue to get the same
error. I have never had Norton or McAfee installed on this machine.
Thunderbird and IncrediMail both work fine with the same information. What

Gary VanderMolen

The Port:0 clue always means interference from another program.
Do you have any other third party security software such as
anti-spam or anti-spyware? If so, uninstall those and try again.
Although we have not seen trouble reports due to PC-cillin,
if all else fails, try uninstalling it just to see if it makes a difference.
You can always reinstall.

Gary VanderMolen


I turned off the spyware/malware part of PC-Cillin, even though it was not
set to check email, and I am starting to get some emails. However, isn't it
worse to have no protection from spyware or malware? And my emails are not
being checked for viruses either? Seems like you have to leave yourself wide
open to internet attacks just to use Windows Mail. Does that make sense?


"clinhart" ...
I turned off the spyware/malware part of PC-Cillin, even though it was not
set to check email, and I am starting to get some emails. However, isn't
worse to have no protection from spyware or malware? And my emails are
being checked for viruses either? Seems like you have to leave yourself
open to internet attacks just to use Windows Mail. Does that make sense?

No... read this

Also Windows Defender is perfectly adequate for dealing with
spyware and malware and is free.

Gary VanderMolen

See Julian's response.
It is unfortunate that gullible consumers are being scared into
buying expensive security suites when either Vista's built-in
facilities or free alternatives would do the job.

Gary VanderMolen


maybe if you uninstall PCCillian & reinstall, it might recognize your email
account, and work correctly.


I don't know if it will last - but I downloaded all my emails. Then turned
Defender back on again. Worked again. Then added PC-Cillin virus check of
incoming emails only & it has worked for one email. So let's hope for the
best. Maybe it had to "learn"? Who knows. If it works, I am happy. Hope
this helps someone else.


"clinhart" ...
I don't know if it will last - but I downloaded all my emails. Then turned
Defender back on again. Worked again. Then added PC-Cillin virus check
incoming emails only & it has worked for one email. So let's hope for the
best. Maybe it had to "learn"? Who knows. If it works, I am happy.
this helps someone else.

AV scanning of emails is asking for trouble.

And for the average home use all these paid for security tools
are a total waste of money.

There is absolutely no no advantage in buying email clients,
browsers, antivirus suites, spam blockers, spyware filters
or any "essential" software tools.


OOPS, spoke too soon. It still won't get emails. I have turned both
Defender off and Virus scanning of incoming mail off again. It still won't
work. I am guessing that maybe I have to reboot for it to take effect? This
just seems too much effort to use a program that I don't even need at this
point. Too frustrating.


clinhart said:
OOPS, spoke too soon. It still won't get emails. I have turned both
Defender off and Virus scanning of incoming mail off again. It still
work. I am guessing that maybe I have to reboot for it to take effect?
just seems too much effort to use a program that I don't even need at this
point. Too frustrating.

Turning on email antivirus scanning is liable to corrupt you account.
Uninstall it, delete and recreate your account within WM reboot and try

Gary VanderMolen

By "Defender" do you mean Windows Defender which comes
included with Vista? If so, it has never been implicated in any
Windows Mail problems.

Gary VanderMolen

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

clinhart said:
OOPS, spoke too soon. It still won't get emails. I have turned both
Defender off and Virus scanning of incoming mail off again. It still
work. I am guessing that maybe I have to reboot for it to take effect?
just seems too much effort to use a program that I don't even need at this
point. Too frustrating.

If Spysweeper is installed uninstall it.
Make sure nothing is scanning email.
Remove the account.
Turn off (Close) WinMail.
Reopen WinMail
Recreate the account.


Ok, here is my scenario.
I do have McAfee installed and both myself and my daughter have our own
email accounts set-up on the same ISP. Sometimes when my friends send me and
email it ends up in my daughters Inbox. I also noticed that when I go to
reply to an email sent to me I have to click on the down arrow to choose my
email address because my daughters email address is automatically put into

Gary VanderMolen

You and your daughter use the same computer, and the same Windows
user profile on that computer?
Have you been using message rules to separate your email from
your daughter's email? If so, your rules may need tweaking.

Windows Mail can have only one default account.
You will be better off upgrading to Windows Live Mail, where
each account gets a separate set of folders, and when you are
using a given account folder, any new message you originate will
automatically have the correct 'From' identity.

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