win xp pro very slow logon to win2k server


D. Adams

It takes between 5-7 minutes for my win xp pro computers
to logon to my domain controller, which is win2k server.
Not sure where to look to reduce this very unacceptable
amount of time. My win98 and win95 boxes take about 2
seconds, if that, to log on to the same domain.


when win xp log to the domain it work like win nt/2000, it
go to the dns and get the name of the nears domain
controller, so this is one thing to check. DNS server,
zones and then it log to the domain and it apply all of
the group policys from the domain controller. second thing
to check, group poliys how many do you have and in what

win 98 don't log to the domain and no group policy is


D. Adams

Could you please explain about the smb incompatibility
issue and where exactly I would find the "require"
security option and how to disable the four digitally
sign communication on the win xp box. I'm not clear on
these. Thanks.

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