why do *I* flood ?

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No one needs you for adventure! Anyone can visit freeware sites, see
lists of programmes, download software and try it. Amazing, isn't it?
Freeware sites usually provide at least some information, you don't,
and the other multicrap posters don't either. No one needs your, or
anyone else's, flood of crap. Simply posting names of programmes is
superfluous, posting information about sofware one has evaluated can
be useful.

Hear! Hear! Time for the silent majority to speakup...

Mike Andrade

No, I agree with them. What he is doing is useless and actually
makes this group less useful. When I want a freeware program that
does something specific I often search this group via google for
recommendations for good programs. But half the time the results
are all his bullshit lists.
Which simply makes you another self-centered twit.


I see posters referred to as "trolls" a lot in this and other newsgroup.
Why this term? Is there a story behind it? As a Norwegian (now living in
Austin, TX USA) trolls were a part of my childhood through the Norwegian
fairly tales read to me. Trolls were big and bad and not always very
clever mythical night creatures. They exploded if hit by sunshine. Are
these trolls the basis for the term when used here?

My God I think you've got it... No wait... When it comes to Usenet I
think their's other definitions...

Someone who censors the regular readers of the group by overwhelming the
group with messages.

Then there are the trolls that argue, who say they are only having a
discussion, who deal in mindless "sarcasm" "irony" or "witty" banter.

Like the ugly creatures they are named after, they exhibit no redeeming
characteristics, and as such, they are recognized as a lower form of

Of course maybe you should make use of that computer you are sitting in
front of (before you are accused of being a troll) and look such things
up yourself with the aid of your Freeware Browser and a free search on
http://www.google.com, which will probably find a free Online Dictionary
(http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=troll) that will provide you
with a more than adequate definition of Troll.


First these swellheads spinn off in anger, then
they try to justify their actions with some quasi-argument about
some greater cause, the common good and what not.... Funny, but
sad...sad since the behavior desperately in need of justification
is exactly what makes groups like these hard to read and to the
point of becoming useless.

True. I guess they are counting on most people having forgotten the
earlier, angrier posts they made, which disclosed more about their
motivations than their more recent rationalizations.

El Gee

I wish I had the spare time you have, to be able to post this much. It
is tough just reading all the messages. I cannot imagine how long it
takes to post so many.

Now when I post a proggie that I have not tested, I say so in the post.
I welcome all those who have rebuked my finds.

El Gee <><
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No Christ, No Peace

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Rob said:
The derivation I'd heard (and the one popular in the news.* hierarchy)
is that it's from fishing - one trolls for bites, and reels in whatever
takes the bait. Hence the "Standard Advice" to ignore trolls, so that
you're not the one reeled in.

This is *definitely* the case. Trolling has nothing to do with Trolls
of Nordic myth, rather the fishing technique whereby the fisherman
pulls/drags a baited hook through the water. Trollers (fishermen) drag
tasty morsels around on the end of a hook...waiting...waiting...

Of course, I say fisher*man* and not fisher*person* because women don't
know how to fish and think it's "yucky."

trollingly yours,


Sheesh, how can you be this stupid and still operate a computer?

I was wondering the same thing about you! But then I came realize to
that you are mentally handicapped and unable to communicate with others
without using degradation and blasphemy to make your point, however
limited that may be.

Mike Andrade

I was wondering the same thing about you! But then I came realize
to that you are mentally handicapped and unable to communicate
with others without using degradation and blasphemy to make your
point, however limited that may be.
I'll let your post stand as evidence of your stupidity.

Mike Andrade

Continuing with blasphemy and a condescending attitude.
Would you please look up the term "blasphemy" in a dictionary so you
can at least stop /appearing/ to be a dolt? I mean, it is fairly
clear that you /are/ a dolt, but you don't have to constantly showcase
it here.

Vic Dura

It's quite simple really; many or most people still connect
to the net with limited bandwidth, many pay by the minute, and all
(well most) have limited time on their hands... Thus the signal to
noise ratio is a very important factor in deciding what groups to read
and engage in and what not. Adding to the noise does not help anyone
but the few bloated virtual identities that present them selves and
"their mission" here.....

Well said.


Would you please look up the term "blasphemy" in a dictionary so you
can at least stop /appearing/ to be a dolt? I mean, it is fairly
clear that you /are/ a dolt, but you don't have to constantly showcase
it here.

Thanks for pointing that out, substitute one of these words instead:
abusive language, profanity, scoffing

Continuing disrespect just proves you aren't what you say you are.

Mike Andrade

Thanks for pointing that out, substitute one of these words
instead: abusive language, profanity, scoffing

Continuing disrespect just proves you aren't what you say you are.
Respect is earned. When you have done that you shall have it. Until
then you remain a dolt.

He's as blind as he can be
Just sees what he wants to see
Nowhere Man can you see me at all?
- Lennon & McCartney, "Nowhere Man"

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