Why can't I buy Vista yet?



1. See other post.

2. Until I can go over to futureshop and buy a copy or buy a computer with
vista preloaded it is not available.

Vista will be pushed back again. Its obvious because of M$ request to
merchants like amazom.com to not do any pre-orders. By allowing pre-orders
on a product they know they will not be able to provide they would be
violating the UCC and FTC regulations which is why they have made this

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

It is shipping, that is why so many have it.

But ALL the general public does not have access to Vista.

I did not see where Mike stated everyone would have access by the end of
But if it is necessary to prove your point, I can see why you may feel the
need to interpret it that way.

In any case, once RTM came last month, the rest of the schedule was set.
We all have to live with it.

I saw no prediction made or carried out by a "layperson".

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Until I can go over to futureshop..."
Your definition, not necessarily anyone else's.

"Vista will be pushed back again."
Possibly but I very much doubt it.

"Its obvious because..."
The word obvious is often use when attempting to justify a wrong conclusion.
We shall see if your conclusion is wrong again.

"which is why they have made this request..."
Please post the source for this.
Or is it another assumption of yours?

Michael D. Alligood

Bob, is there anything we can help you with or is this just a rant?
Either way it does not matter, I was just wondering if I missed the post
with a stated problem.

Michael D. Alligood
Network+, i-Net+, CIW Assoc.,
CIW Certified Instructor



Ken Blake, MVP

Bob said:
A Microsoft employee named Mike Brannigan promised it would be
available this year, in this very forum.

First, I believe that Mike is no longer a Microsoft employee (although I
know nothing about why).

Second, even if he were a Microsoft employee when he made such a statement,
he made it as an individual, and surely was not in a position to make any
definitive statements on behalf of Microsoft. He may have told you what he
believed to be the case, but you should never construe such a statement as a
promise. If Bill Gates or Steve Ballmer makes such a statement, it's
reasonable to treat it as a promise, but it would be very foolish to treat a
statement by a much lower-level employee the same way.

I don't mean to slight Mike, but if somone who works on the assembly line at
Ford Motor company tells you that next year's model will run on hydrogen
power instead of gasoline, it would be equally foolish to believe such a
statement without corroboration and treat it as a "promise."

Fact is it would be
available on Jan. 30th either.

?? Is there one or more typos in that sentence? Sorry, but I have no idea
what it's supposed to mean.

Ken Blake, MVP

Bob said:
1. See other post.

2. Until I can go over to futureshop and buy a copy or buy a computer
with vista preloaded it is not available.

Vista will be pushed back again.

I'm not a betting man, but oh how I wish you were here next to me, and we
could both plunk down $100 or more as a wager on whether it will be released
to the retail market on January 30 and give it to some neutral party to

It has *already* been released--just not to the general public. *You* can't
buy it yet, but corporate customers can, and many people who have an MSDN
subscription have had it for over a month.

I'm not a Microsoft employee, and am not in any position to make any
promises, and there's always some chance that I could be wrong and it will
be postponed, but it is highly unlikely.

And also note that the word "again" in the sentence "Vista will be pushed
back again" is not appropriate. It can't be pushed back *again* because it
was never pushed back before. Despite all the rumors and estimates that have
abounded as to when it will be released, there has been only a single
announced date: January 30, 2006. I wouldn't bet the farm that that's when
it will be released, but I'd bet a goodly amount of money on it.


Fact of Law loser. In 44 days I will start again on this thread and show
the world what a pathetic retard you are. It will be so bad this group will
stop functioning and you will have to stop posting.


I am not interested in a retards money so I have one better for you. I'll
paypal you $100.00 and when Jan 30th rolls around and if you are actually
right you can keep the money. Of course when it becomes obvious that I am
right you have to give me the money and come over to my house and give me an
enema with your mouth, drinking all byproducts of the event. Let me know if
you are up for it.

Michael D. Alligood

Among others.

Michael D. Alligood
Network+, i-Net+, CIW Assoc.,
CIW Certified Instructor


Why would there be a Vista newsgroup, it doesn't exist yet.

What doesn't exist? Vista is RTM. That means it's been Released to
Manufacturing. It's available to corporate customers. If it didn't exist
you wouldn't be asking about it, eh?

You seem to be imbued with pre-conceived notions. Vista has been in Beta
for a long time. The Vista newsgroups were created sometime ago for the
folks who were in the public CPP program through which they had access to
certain of the beta versions of Vista. The Vista newsgroups still exist,
are still public, going strong, and that's were Vista questions should go.
Notice the name of this newsgroup is microsoft.public.windowsxp.general.

You use OE to access this newsgroup. If you had checked the other
newsgroups to which you could subscribe on the same server you would have
seen the Vista ones, accessible both through NNTP (and the web interface).


A simple Google search for Microsoft Vista Newsgroup would get you this link
as the first hit. The link to the web interface for the newsgroups is
prominent on the right side of the page.


Fact of Law loser. In 44 days I will start again on this thread and show
the world what a pathetic retard you are. It will be so bad this group
will stop functioning and you will have to stop posting.

Who are you talking to? You haven't quoted any of the post to which you
reply. Fact of Law? What law, what fact? And what will you do if you are
wrong,and it releases on 1/30/07?

What will be so bad? This group will certainly not stop functioning. XP
doesn't stop just because Vista is released.

What exactly are you talking about? Maybe it's time for you to quit while
your not too far behind.

Michael D. Alligood

Since you emailed me in regards to my post listed here, and the fact
that I tried to email you back but it was returned undeliverable; I will
post my response here:

I am providing a link from Microsoft the substantiates the release date
of January 30, 2007.

The interview is of Sven Hallauer, release manager and director of
program management at Microsoft. I am curious as to why you are so gung
ho for this
release? And why must you cause such an issue when it is obvious people
are answering your question? To answer your question in regards to my
status; no, I am not mentally challenged. I am trying to provide you
with the correct answers to your question; which is why I asked you to
your question to avoid confusion.

Have a good night.

Michael D. Alligood
Network+, i-Net+, CIW Assoc.,
CIW Certified Instructor


Still ahead of you SFB.

Rock said:
Who are you talking to? You haven't quoted any of the post to which you
reply. Fact of Law? What law, what fact? And what will you do if you
are wrong,and it releases on 1/30/07?

What will be so bad? This group will certainly not stop functioning. XP
doesn't stop just because Vista is released.

What exactly are you talking about? Maybe it's time for you to quit while
your not too far behind.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

You can't demonstrate a promise was made and not kept.
No where did I see a promise anyone would be able to walk into Futureshop or
any other store by 31 December to get Vista.
That is simply your misinterpretation of the information you received.

"It will be so bad this group will stop functioning"
You obviously know little or nothing of what you say.
To bad I am not a betting person, you would be fleeced.
But then you would probably argue something about the number of posts
ignoring questions answered and issues resolved and other relevant facts.

Now your true character emerges.
You now feel the need to toss insults to make up for your own shortcomings.
Those with ability and self confidence have no need for such insults since
they know what they say can stand on its own.

Those lacking, feel the need to shore up their position with insults as you
have done.
You have failed.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Truly amazing the depths you go when you are unable to support your own

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