When is Microsoft going to fix the issue with Routers that do SPI?



Guy's, what is SPI?

Stateful Packet Inspection. That's where a firewall only allows packets of
data through that were actually solicited from your end, if it wasn't
solicited it is discarded.


Goody for you.

Worked fine until I got Vista. Other routers from other manufacturer's are
also having the same issue with Vista.

And many others don't have the described issue - seems that it could be
a number of problems and not just Vista.

Having the problem only on vista could show that you've uncovered a
problem that D-Link was unaware of or in denial of until now.
I've already explained that in the above posts. But once again, it takes
about five minutes to acquire the IP address from the router when I first
boot into Vista. I can't get online until it has acquired the correct IP

Again, having been a network engineer for more than a decade, it would
seem that your issue could be caused by Vista, but is more than likely
caused by faulty router firmware.
D-Link DI-604. D-Link says the issue is Vista and not the router.

Latest version.

The 604 is the cheapest piece of junk on the market, it's about as bad
as the BEFSR41 unit that first was put out more than 6 years ago from

Oh, and I just checked their website and the found that the firmware is
more than 3 years old since the last update.

2.07 ? Quick Installation Guide - PDF format 8/12/2003

So it looks like D-Link has abandoned you.

Kerry Brown

Pipboy said:
Goody for you.

Worked fine until I got Vista. Other routers from other manufacturer's are
also having the same issue with Vista.

I've already explained that in the above posts. But once again, it takes
about five minutes to acquire the IP address from the router when I first
boot into Vista. I can't get online until it has acquired the correct IP

D-Link DI-604. D-Link says the issue is Vista and not the router.

Latest version.

A quick Google search finds that the NIC is as often at fault as the router.
Many people are reporting that installing a different NIC or an updated NIC
driver solves this problem. I am using a DI-604 with several computers using
Vista since the early betas and have not experienced this problem.

Dale \Mad_Murdock\ White

Pipboy said:
I've already explained that in the above posts. But once again, it takes
about five minutes to acquire the IP address from the router when I first
boot into Vista. I can't get online until it has acquired the correct IP

So since you didn't respond directly to my question, I'll ask again. Is hard
coding your IPs' out of the question ? Seems to be a simple and cost free
fix to your problem.

Steve Urbach

Yea, not all routers with SPI have this issue. Just certain makes and
models, my research shows there are a number of them out there though so
instead of Microosft expecting us to buy a new Router they should fix the
issue on their end. Buying Vista was expensive enough and I don't want to
have to spend another $100.00 on a new router too.
My VPN router claims SPI and I have not seen one problem with Vista
RC2 and downloads (and I did a bunch from different places).
Something is broken (and I would suspect your router)

Steve U

Steve Urbach

Goody for you.

Worked fine until I got Vista. Other routers from other manufacturer's are
also having the same issue with Vista.

I've already explained that in the above posts. But once again, it takes
about five minutes to acquire the IP address from the router when I first
boot into Vista. I can't get online until it has acquired the correct IP

D-Link DI-604. D-Link says the issue is Vista and not the router.

Latest version.
The problem is your router.
I boot Vista , The Desktop appears within 30 seconds, The Network Icon
(in tool tray) ball is Yellow and turns to Green within 15 Seconds.
Vista is *Still* doing boot activities.
A/V software *HAS* grabbed updates, other /check for updates/ has
Router is Netgear (model suppressed for security. Not the cheapest
Steve U

David Hearn

Pipboy said:
Um, no, you forgot option 4.) Microsoft can provide a fix for those with
this issue.

Once again, my router works with all OS's, including Linux and Microsoft's
own Xbox 360 so the problem is at their end and not mine.

I said *you* have 3 options. You cannot force MS to make any changes,
therefore it's not *your* option. Besides, if Vista is more standards
compliant that Linux or an XBox 360 when it comes to the firewall/SPI or
something, doesn't mean Vista is wrong and has to be fixed. (BTW, I'm
not saying Vista *is* more compliant - just that's a possible cause of
your problem)


Robert Pendell

Pipboy said:
Yea, well, seeing as your an MVP tell your butt buddies over at Microsoft
to fix this issue before I demand a refund on Vista. I'm sick of waiting
five minutes or more everytine I boot into Vista to get an internet

You can't get a refund once you have activated your key. There really
isn't any way around it.


You can't get a refund once you have activated your key. There really
isn't any way around it.

I haven't activated my key yet. I doubt I will return it though as I a
fully expect this issue to be fixed or a workaround is found (besides
buying a new router).


What you fail to understand is that like most vendors, D-Link and the
others will implement anything they want in any manner they want,
sometimes causing any number of problems.

If SPI is broken on your device, because they didn't follow the strict
definition, while others did, then you can't blame MS for your problems.

None of the workstations we have behind firewalls or routers show any
signs of internet related access issues.

I've also seen many instances where NAT Router firmware was defective
over the last 10 years, and many instances were we had to implement
workarounds to get things working.

If it works on every other OS, including Linux and Xbox360 then it isn't
You've still ignored the questions:

What router
What firmware

You din't ask those questions until further down, which I did answer.


I said *you* have 3 options. You cannot force MS to make any changes,
therefore it's not *your* option. Besides, if Vista is more standards
compliant that Linux or an XBox 360 when it comes to the firewall/SPI or
something, doesn't mean Vista is wrong and has to be fixed. (BTW, I'm
not saying Vista *is* more compliant - just that's a possible cause of
your problem)


Ubuntu has IPv6 so how is Vista better than Ubuntu? Maybe I will have to
get a new router but D-Link is denying the problem is at their end. Maybe
Microsoft should be calling up D-Link and telling them they are liars and
to provide a firmware fix.


So it looks like D-Link has abandoned you.

OK, I admit defeat. :) What router should I get then? Not too expensive,
please. This is just for home use and not a work environment.


A quick Google search finds that the NIC is as often at fault as the router.
Many people are reporting that installing a different NIC or an updated NIC
driver solves this problem. I am using a DI-604 with several computers using
Vista since the early betas and have not experienced this problem.

Hmm, maybe you are right. I'm using the mb's ethernet and there are no new
drivers. It is using the drivers provided by Microsoft so if it is a driver
issue then it is still a Microsoft issue and they should fix it. Will try a
PCI add-on one to see if it resolves the issue. Thanks.


So since you didn't respond directly to my question, I'll ask again. Is hard
coding your IPs' out of the question ? Seems to be a simple and cost free
fix to your problem.

Not sure what you mean. How would I go about doing that? Looks like the
problem may be the drivers for my ethernet card anyway as someone posted
above that has the same router and no issue with Vista.


By the way, the PCI NIC of choice for me (as it seems to be supported
by EVERYTHING) is an Intel E100 or later 10/100 NIC (95555 up to 95559


OK, I admit defeat. :) What router should I get then? Not too expensive,
please. This is just for home use and not a work environment.

Get anything that has been made in the last year, new in the last year,
and still has support.

I like the DFL-700 for all that it does, but it's not cheap. I also use
WRTg5g Linksys routers, but I've seen issues with their wireless.

Your problem is that your router was abandoned in 2003, just about
anything that came out in 2006 would be fine.


The motherboard manufacturer or NIC chipset manufacturer supplied the NIC
driver to Microsoft.

Glad the suggestion worked. Was the onboard NIC a Marvell Yukon?

No, some ULI piece of crap. Now that I think about it it did give me issues
in Linux too. I mostly use my other PC if I am going to use Linux. Issue is
resolved now. Disabled the onboard NIC and put in a Realtek RTL8139D NIC,
everything is a go. Woot! And my D-Link DI-604 router isn't crap like
Leythos says. Anyone who spends three grand on a router is out to lunch, or
else their boss paid for it.

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