What is Large WMI\trace.log!!??



hey guys, I have just discovered an extremely large (32gb) trace.log file
on my OS drive located at C:\Windows\system32\Logfiles\trace.log. As I write
this message the size is 32,611,392kb in size!? Can someone shed some light
on where this file might be set on my system? Thanks in advance . . .Tom J.

Richard Urban

Used bootvis lately?

Turn off tracing in bootvis. It is one of the reasons that Microsoft stopped
allowing downloads, I believe. It causes the drive to fill up, and then
crash - if you forget to turn it off.


Thanks Richard, I did indeed previously have BootVis installed on my system.
I removed it around the middle of Oct. I am currently doing a search of my
registry to catch any stray entries, and to ride my system of all traces. I
believe there might be some other process that has contributed to the
expansion of this file. For the time being I have disabled the log capture,
and I wonder if there is some utility that could not only split this file
into manageable smaller chunks, but also provide a clue as to which specific
process is causing this growth. Thanks in advance . . . Tom J

Richard Urban

If you leave the bootvis tracing enabled, and then remove bootvis - guess
what! The trace file keeps getting larger and larger. Reinstall bootvis,
turn OFF the trace log - then uninstall bootvis.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Thanks Richard for the Bill Gates WISDOM!! When I started to run out of
space on this drive it also lead to another problem. When I first got the
Dangerously Low on disk space msg. it also told me that it was disabling my
System Restore Files. Sure enough I can't get to the System Restore feature
through my system properties. The specific message is as follows: -An
exception occurred while trying to run "C:\
Is there a quick way to gain access to this feature again? If I need to
start another just let me know. Thanks in advance . . Tom J.

Richard Urban

As I have said, reinstall bootvis and turn off the trace logging function.
Reboot. Then you will be able to delete the trace log.

Bootvis was never meant for the home user and many have had the same problem
you are having. It was meant as a developers tool. Because of misuse (my
best guess) the little program has been pulled and is no longer available.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Thanks Richard, I followed your instructions and turned off the Trace flag
and restarted the logging for WMI trace by moving that particular file to
another partition. I am still unable to reset my System Restore so I'll have
to keep looking for an answer. Thanks for all your help . . .Tom J.

Wesley Vogel


Open the Registry Editor...
Start | Run | Type: regedit | Click OK |
Navigate to >>>
In the right hand pane you may see Start listed under the Name column.
If you do, and the Data is 1, double click on Start and set the value to 0.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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